Rick Warren, best-selling author of The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For? and founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., announced..[the]..launch of Daily Hope with Rick Warren circadian (M-F) national radio programming. This includes a 25-minute program and one-minute teaching spots, to begin Monday, April 1.
The half-hour daily program will feature a practical, applicable and meaningful message from Scripture by Warren, intended to encourage, equip and train people to fulfill God's purposes for their life. The daily 60-second teaching spots address timely issues and topics.
"The Daily Hope radio program can expose listeners to the potential of involving themselves or their church in the PEACE Plan to help accomplish our '20/20 Vision' to reach every last tribe with the gospel and a church by the year 2020." ...Daily Hope will initially launch in both local and major markets across America with plans to expand rapidly. It will also be carried across the country on Sirius XM Satellite Radio's Family Talk Channel.
Extending The PEACE PLAN - Warren explained that he has been leading Saddleback Church in incremental steps toward that objective for more than a decade...This year, the church is establishing 12 Saddleback churches and "base camps," in major cities in regions of the world, from which they can send out teams to unengaged people groups. These include London, Berlin, Moscow, Amman, Freetown, Johannesburg, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Tokyo, Manila, Hong Kong and Bangalore.
"I intend to go on the radio around the world and in those cities to be 'the air force,'" Warren explained. "We want to use radio to share a message of hope in these 12 cities, but I believe in order to do that, we need to first have a similar radio presence in the United States that will reach our own hurting nation."
Purpose Driven going to the world now...on a daily basis via radio? - this is a very big deal. According to Warren's statement in the above article he has been incrementally stepping the agenda toward it's "objective for more than a decade". This move now, "establishing 12..base camps in major cities in regions of the world"...[and]..."going on the radio around the world", as stated, represents a 'giant step' in the advancement toward that objective. The way in which this "objective" is being promoted, and what it really is are two entirely different things though. The true objective of the 'PEACE Plan' is still to this day not understood by many - including countless professing Christians. To be perfectly blunt, the Rick Warren purpose-driven 'P.E.A.C.E. Plan' has nothing whatsoever to do with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and true Christianity, but has everything to do with creating a global 'social works' department for the Zionist 'new-dawn-rising' anti-christ one-world government.
It is about planetary-management, literally, meaning that it is actually designed to facilitate the implementation of the communitarian scheme known as Agenda 21. To be successful, it must first be an interfaith movement; which it is without question designed to be, and which is, by definition, always anti-christ; and secondly it must be partnered with other sectors of the global micro-management plan, which it is. These things are covered in more depth in the posts linked below. Note especially the statement in the first one from the initial launch five years ago. The stated goal is a "long range effort to mobilize one billion Christians":