Sony, Canon Plants Knocked Out by Aftershock, Setting Back Japan Recovery
Sony Corp. (6758) and Canon Inc. (7751) were among manufacturers that shut plants in Japan following a 7.1- magnitude earthquake yesterday, delaying their recovery from last month’s record temblor.
Sony, Japan’s largest exporter of consumer electronics, said it suspended operations at two plants in Miyagi prefecture because of power outages caused by last night’s aftershock of the 9-magnitude temblor that struck March 11.
“Everyone was hoping to restart production and get back on track, and this aftershock will bring fresh interruptions,” said Steven Zhang, a technology analyst at DBS Vickers Securities in Hong Kong. “This will have a negative impact on the supply chain.”
Nikon suspended production at two plants in Miyagi, the prefecture closest to the earthquake’s epicenter off the coast of northeastern Japan.
Tokyo Electron, the world’s second-largest maker of semiconductor equipment, halted operations at three plants in Miyagi and Iwate prefectures, said Yumi Ota, a Tokyo-based spokeswoman.
NTT DoCoMo, Japan’s largest mobile-phone operator, said 1,220 base stations on its network in northern Japan were offline after yesterday’s earthquake.
Honda Chief Executive Officer Takanobu Ito said today he expects Japan’s government to set limits on electricity use.
The Tokyo-based carmaker has lost production of about 58,000 vehicles since March 11 and may not return to full output for another two to three months.
Fujitsu suspended output at a chip plant in Iwate, said Takashi Koto, a Tokyo-based spokesman.
re: "9-magnitude temblor that struck March 11"
As always, hidden in plain sight.
The above quote from the posted article tells you everything you need to know about what is really happening in (to) Japan. It is Japan's 9/11, compliments of the engineers of the NWO old-world-order-collapsing program [here].
Japan's 9-11 is now proving to be the trigger event that will change the country forever just like the day the NYC twin towers imploded, triggering the metamorphosis of the USA into a NorthCom-Homeland Security-TSA NWO global society in the making.
Japan is very 'old-world-order'. For them to ever be converted to the 'new-world-order' a lot of things would need to be severely 'shaken'. That has happened and is happening and will continue to happen as evidenced by this latest injection of 'chaos' into the very ordered Japanese society in the form of more and prolonged industry shutdowns as a result of another huge 'quake' curiously coming at just about the time they might be expected to be rebounding a bit.
And bringing with it a furthering of the already "negative impact on the supply chain", the entire industrialized world will eventually feel some of that Japanese aftershock to the great advantage of the Cabalist 'anti-industrial' global green agenda [here].
compare: Shortage of Japanese Parts Puts U.S. Economy at Risk 4-6-11 yahoo
Natural disaster? Cui bono? [see: 'Tsunami bombs'?]
[follow links, connect dots]
update 4-17-11
Mic 3:10 'They build up Zion with blood'
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