"1948 - Democratic People's Republic of Korea proclaimed, with Kim Il-sung installed as leader. Soviet troops withdraw" [source]
Kim Il-sung was 'appointed' (Zionist-appointed) as the first 'ruler' of the new entity named 'North' Korea in 1948. The Kim family has maintained a dynasty since that beginning. First ruler Kim Il-sung died in 1994. The son, Kim Jong-il, then took over and 'ruled' from 1994 until his death in 2011. On 12-29-11 Kim Jong-un, the grandson, became the current "Supreme Leader" of North Korea - who now 2017 supposedly is bringing the world to the very brink of destruction - unless of course the USA/Israel stop him, even though this could ultimately mean - that's right - WWIII. Hold on though. It was Zionist US-Israel-Russia that created the 'Kim dynasty'. Split Korea into North and South post-WWII and put the 'Kim' family in power. Obviously then, now with 'Jong-un', the Kim grandson, no control of North Korea has ever been relinquished by it's Zionist creators. That would not make any sense at all would it. NK was manufactured from the start for a purpose, there can be be no question that purpose has and is being fulfilled exactly as planned from the start to this very moment in history, which was the subject of this post from six weeks ago:
*8-9-17 North Korea 'Nuke Threat' A Zionist Made-For-TV Psyop - NK Zio-Created 1945; Trump-Putin 777 Connection
North Korea gonna 'nuke' somebody? Well it must be true because the msm masonic-stream-media keeps saying it - broken record style - so it must be true. Right right - has to be true - it's on TV. And then Trump blowing his extra-scary "fire and fury" trumpet so all the world can see just exactly how serious this ultra-scary situation really is. Without a doubt then Trump trumpeting furiously with flames even coming out like that makes this whole thing real convincing - right? And then there's that 'Russian' guy uh...Putin. Yeah, yeah, Putin...no telling what he might do one of these days...being all chummy with Iran and China like he is. My oh my oh me oh my...danger danger Will Robinson.
Except for one little thing. Which is...they are very obviously all in on it together - 'it' being the great Zionist scheme of the ages - which was the subject of this post dated one month ago (two brief excerpts; see full @ link):
They're All In On It: Putin Exactly 777 Months Old On 7-7-17 1st Trump meeting - 1888 Days In Office; And NK Hoax 7-8-17
"Putin 777 months old exactly first ever meeting with 777-Trump on 7-7-17. Once again impossible numerology - naturally occurring that is, which reveals all to be a long in planning, very carefully constructed production. Inauguration Day 2017 Trump was exactly 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old from his given birth date. Obama on the same day was in his 666th month from his given birth date [see link (@ post)], and now we have Russia's Putin, on the 'historic' 7-7-17 first meeting between himself and 777-Trump, being exactly 777 months old from his given birth date of 10-7-52:"
Think North Korea is not also 'in on it' [i.e. fake Gog-Magog WWIII]. Think again. NK was 'invented' at the close of WWII by Zionist Russia and Zionist USA. Did not exist before that. Purpose seems likely to have been to conduct a totalitarian test-lab. Practice for when they (according to plan) Zio-Totalitarian the entire planet. Secondarily to have a 'scary' enemy to help launch the scripted-WWIII - the means to the end - designed to collapse completely the existing world order and then rise the ZKK Zio-Kingdom-Kome [link; link2] phoenix from the ashes. Do the research." [see post]
For reference: "History of North Korea": "Following Japan’s defeat in 1945 [WWII] the Soviet Union and United States agreed to split the post-war control of the Korean peninsula between themselves. On August 10, 1945 two young U.S. military officers drew up a line demarcating the U.S. and Soviet occupation zones at the 38th parallel. The divide should have been temporary, a mere footnote in Korea’s long history, but the emergence of the Cold War made this a seminal event. Seeking to ensure the maintenance of their respective influences in Korea, the U.S. and USSR installed leaders sympathetic to their own cause, while mistrust on both sides prevented cooperation on elections that were supposed to choose a leader for the entire peninsula. The United States handed control over the southern half of the peninsula to Syngman Rhee, while the Soviet Union gave Kim Il-sung power over the north. In 1948, both sides claimed to be the legitimate government and representative of the entire Korean people..."
Zionist Russia + Zionist USA = Zionist North Korea. That is the only possible solution to the math [see: Zio-Russia].
Some say the '777' to the Kabbalist denotes ordo-ab-chao - order out of chaos. What is really going on with the world situation? - the whole world seemingly on the verge of total 'chaos'? The answer to that could not be any more simple. No more than North Korea and South Korea constructed themselves, the planned-for-ages ZKK would-be Zio-kingdom-kome new-order-of-the-ages novus ordo seclorum will not construct itself either. That would never happen. No, no, no, that could only be accomplished with a carefully scripted production. One spanning those ages actually.
This is that.
And on that note also understand - nothing will ever happen outside of that script. Whatever the plan, whatever the day, whatever the next phase after the one before, it will not come one day early, and will not come one day late - everything by magic-number formula on the magic-number day only aka sorcery. So react not to the costumed actors acting out their various roles in each changing scene of the made-for-TV drama the world is now being subjected to. Observe it only - for exactly what it is. An over dramatized made-for-TV b-plot mega-production.
Rev. 18:4
Follow links connect dots - two of many in the post:
ZKK Zio-Kingdom-Kome
Fake Gog-Magog WWIII
Isaiah 47:12 'Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail'
1 comment :
Book of Daniel The robbers of my people will exalt themselves to establish the vision but it shall fall.
y Bill Streifer
November 2020 Anno Domini
This is the story of a family of Russian Jews, two members of which played a role in the formation of what would later become the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), also known as North Korea.
Kim Il-sung, the first supreme leader of North Korea—and the grandfather of the current leader, Kim Jong-un—led the Communist totalitarian dictatorship between its founding in 1948 and his death in the summer of 1994. Connections between Kim Il- sung and the Russian village of Bayevo (now in Belarus), 500 km west-southwest of Moscow, came to light in 2009 when Zinovy Mekler, a Russian Jew, was asked to create his family tree as part of the “Voices of Jewish Townships” Project.(1) Unfortunately, because Zinovy left Bayevo as a child, he said he could not recall the names of each and every member of his large extended family.
Zinovy was born in Bayevo in 1926, where he lived with his mother, Golda; his father, Aron, a blacksmith; and his sister, Luba. At one point, his father moved to Moscow. Zinovy and the rest of his immediate family later joined his father there.
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