This was two years ago. Had it no meaning, or was it portraying things planned for future fulfillment. Invented persona ex-president antichrist-pretender Obama who was allegedly 666 months old on the day his president-role ended - the same day Trump turned 777 [link] - hasn't gone anywhere but is very much still lurking, very much still 'in the picture'. Bergoglio as well. Is Obama-as-[fake]-Antichrist slated to 'go live' at some still-future point? Only answer to that is that it still at this time cannot be ruled out. Keep watching -- 'We wrestle not against flesh and blood' [Eph. 6:12]:
Obama Shows 'Devil Horns' Meeting NWO-Pope Francis: Fake Antichrist, False Prophet Script Playing Out?
Fake false prophet meets the fake-beast? Here's the hidden-in-plain-sight photo-op of the grand occasion. New World Pope, Obama...together on the global stage. As can be seen, the below image itself is a video clip within a video clip [link]. The location is not known. The image itself does not seem to be photo-shopped. The blue dress on MO, seen in numerous other photos of the New-World-Pope's arrival in the U.S. yesterday 9-22-15, proves that this photo was taken yesterday 9-22-15. The angle of the photo is perfect to achieve the horned-Obama effect. Obama also is positioned perfectly for the shot. What exactly that is that is giving Obama his horns is hard to say, but it's just the right height, and just the right size. Looks like the wings of a phoenix bird. Chance of all these things being coincidental? - zero.
Fake 'beast' fake horns... |
At any rate, the image is definitely interesting enough to take notice of - which is the reason for posting it. It may be an indication of things that lay ahead with regard to the ZNWO fake antichrist/false-prophet script - that is - it may be an indication that they are really going to run with it. Take note, and be not deluded if this scenario does continue to develop:
Fake Antichrist and False Prophet script? see: Obama "Unbreakable Alliance" Israel Trip, And New Pope: NWO Imitating Antichrist And False Prophet? 2-26-13 "...the way in which this is being done is giving the appearance of the beginning of an absolutely massive deception upon the entire world. A deception created by imitating bible prophecy...The Catholic church is being brought in - and not possibly by chance - with the recent resignation of the sitting pope...What orchestration, and what imitating of bible prophecy? To cut to the chase, it has to do with creating the persona of a fake antichrist, and the persona of a fake 'false prophet'. [see post]
'False Prophet' role playing; see: TIME Names 'New World Pope' Francis Person Of The Year - Portray Him With 'Horns Like A Lamb'; And "Last Pope Prophecy" NWO Fake 'False Prophet' 12-11-13 "...on the alleged "Last Pope Prophecy"...the idea of the so-called 'prophecy' is that the incoming pope, whoever it would be, essentially would turn out to be the biblical 'False Prophet'. As discussed in that post, and the one below, that is an impossibility (the time is not yet), but, this does not rule out the possibility of the creation of an 'imitation' for the specific purpose of faking bible prophecy - Rev. 13:11 "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon" - As for that, the specific way that this TIME cover of Francis was done also seems worth noting, in that the 'horns' are rather small, even lamb-like perhaps. And again, as to the composition of the photo being all in white like it is, that seems to add to the overall effect of 'lamb-likeness' too. Mary (Catholic church) had a little lamb...?
Compare also: Faking Antichrist: Obama Photo-Op Of 'ISIS'/Syria Speech Shows Him With "Baphomet" Devil-Horns 9-10-14
Staged photos? see also: Trump Shows 'Bat-Wings' During 9-15-15 USS Iowa Speech - One Month After "I Am Batman" Statement In Iowa 9-16-15
Rev. 18:4
2Tim 3:1,13 'This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come...evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived' [cf. 2Tim. 3:14-15]
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