Illinois Lawmakers Vote to Legalize Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Following Biblical Debate
SPRINGFIELD – Lawmakers in Illinois have voted to legalize same-sex ‘marriage’ in the state, making the ‘Land of Lincoln’ the 15th in the nation to permit the practice. The matter was not without debate, however, as a number of legislators expressed their opposition to the measure, including from the Scriptures.
“This debate is a joke,” remarked Democratic Representative Mary Flowers. “[They] will not be truly married in God’s eyes.”...She pointed to the Book of Genesis during her comments, noting that God specifically created the woman for the man.
Republican Representative Dwight Kay agreed. He told his fellow lawmakers that America was founded upon Scripture even before the U.S. Constitution was created...“My conviction happens to be that this (gay marriage) is wrong, but my conviction is that Scripture is right,” he declared, according to the Chicago Tribune.
But House Speaker Michael Madigan cited the recent remarks of Pope Francis in explaining his decision to support the bill.
“[T]he quote that I offer is a quote from Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic church, who is quoted as saying, ‘If someone is gay, and he searches for the Lord, and he has good will, who am I to judge?’” he stated. “Pope Francis has spoken, and he has articulated the basis of my thinking on this issue.”
Following the passage of the bill, Barack Obama took to Twitter, stating, “This is huge.” He also released an official statement praising lawmakers.
re: "This is huge"
"Pope Francis has spoken" says Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, and, "This is huge", says the pope's counterpart 'New World' spokesperson, Obama. Truly, what just happened here is enormous - not only has NWP Bergoglio/Francis recently gone on record endorsing atheists as viable candidates for 'salvation', but his carefully worded soundbites are now actually being used to endorse the global sodomite revolution. The scripting on all parts is clearly evident. Vatican to White House to state legislators, everyone reads their lines, right on cue, and the NEW WORLD agenda proceeds according to plan.
The Catholic Church is being 'delivered up' to the One-World religion of Antichrist from the top-down. Take careful consideration of what you are witnessing, interested parties, because what you are now seeing portends many more evils in the days to come.
Pope Francis has spoken? When the one only Holy Spirit of God is not, can not, be responsible for what is done, e.g. sanctioning atheists [John 8:24] and sodomites [1Kings 14:24], this can mean only one thing - an 'unholy spirit' is at work [Eph. 2:2]. This must be faced. Rev. 18:4
Catholic church being 'delivered up'? see: New Pope Arrives 3-13-13: Bergoglio Anagram and "Last Pope Prophecy", A21, Purpose Driven, Seagull Symbolism 3-13-13...In other words, his job would be to 'escort' Mary, the Catholic church that is, right into the 'last pope prophecy', which would mean the destruction of the Church - exactly as required by the cabalist-globalist agenda. It's all there. The name, the Talmudic interpretation, the supposed prophecy."
What is the truth about 'homosexuality'? see: Obama Claims Christianity - 'The Golden Rule' - As Basis For Promoting Homosexual Psuedo-Marriage 5-12-12 "Briefly, it is very important to note that the so-called Golden Rule - "whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them" (Matt. 7:12) - regardless of who may say different, cannot in any possible way be construed as an endorsement of any activity which the Word of God in another place labels as "unrighteous"..."
Ephesians 5:6 ''Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience'
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