"In this Sept. 28, 2010 photo, traffic moves down a street as a billboard showing Bishop Eddie Long is seen above in Atlanta. The billboard near an Atlanta highway reads, "Love Like Him, Live Like Him, Lead Like Him." The motto refers to Jesus Christ, but the smiling face next to it is that of Bishop Eddie Long."
Bishop Eddie Long: Preaching amid questions
While in the throes of abuse allegations, the pastor delivers sermons to wild crowds
A megachurch pastor accused of luring four young men into sexual relationships said Sunday that he won't be pulled into a street fight over the allegations and vowed that his faith has been strengthened.
Long's more than hour-long sermon was greeted with thunderous applause and adoration. Several thousand parishioners flocked to the suburban Atlanta complex for the 8 a.m. service, and cars snaked in traffic for miles after it was over.
Long has not addressed the accusations directly, but promised Sunday that he would not let his legal troubles prevent him or his church from doing its work.
Only a week later, and it already got worse
Taking a position of proud defiance, the accused homosexual-offender failed for a second week to deny the charges. This is to be expected though because this whole thing is clearly scripted. That would be be the Cabalist-illuminati script that calls for the destruction of biblical Christianity* so that it can be replaced with the one-world religion of Antichrist. The scene is "The Sodomization of Christendom" - take one.
With that thought, the old proverb proves abundantly true again - "a picture is worth a thousand words". And to reiterate the quote from the 'update' link above, "there is some serious darkness here". Sick and twisted and demented are just a few of the adjectives to describe that 'darkness' that come to mind with regard to Long's billboard [above] with it's not-so-subtle endorsement of sodomy.
It has to be admitted though that the production, so far, has been masterfully choreographed. The sicko billboard proves this true. There is absolutely no chance whatsoever that that billboard, exactly as it is and with perfect timing, is 'just chance'. "Hidden in plain sight" like nobody's business is the twisted reality [here], yet how few can see it, even as pathetically obvious as this is.
The Laodicean apostasy is raging out of control today. The majority of Long's church-goers seem to be 'over it' already. That is the epitome of 'lukewarm-ness'. They do not care right or wrong as long as they can still get their lusty ears itched [2Tim. 4:3].
On a side note, Long's lusty ear-itching 'prosperity-doctrine', for lack of a better term, is unscriptural i.e apostate to begin with. Having been successful with that though, he is now apparently the 'chosen-one' to introduce 'homosexual tolerance' into apostate Christendom at large.
Here is the really bad news. This homosexual-dialectic has barely begun. It is going to get still much worse. Run away fast Christian. Rev. 18:4
*see: Christchurch (NZ) Devasted 9-3-10
also: Church Leaders' Meet On Eddie Long Homosexual Charges, Tout 'Forgiveness' 9-25-10
update 12-10-10
update 2-3-12: Eddie Long plays Jewish 'messiah' in blasphemous talmudic ritual
"So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked" Rev. 3:16-17
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