According to a report by the AFP, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's coalition deputies approved a "watered-down" revision of the bill on Thursday, after the original document drew strong opposition over plans to ban the publication of transcripts in the media.
The revised bill will allow the publication of transcripts "relevant to an investigation", but campaigners remain concerned by a clause in the new version which, according to European Digital Rights, requires anyone "responsible for information websites" to publish corrections within 48 hours of a complaint of inaccuracy being made, or else face fines of up to 25,000 euros.
Appealing to the international media, Elisabetta Stella, an Italian blogger told that the clause will be "one of the most serious (…) attacks on freedom of information on the internet ever".
"The Bill cannot be allowed to pass as it currently stands. We demand full and open Parliamentary debate on Article 1, paragraph 29 of the Bill, including consideration of the above amendments," she added.
Last week proposed amendments to extend the time period and reduce the fine in the clause, which can be found in paragraph 29 of Article 1 of the bill, were rejected.
"Besides the limitation to the freedom of expression, forcing bloggers to rectify within 48 hours will lead to closing down many of the blogs as this will practically be an impossible task," it says in a release.
"This implies that a blogger must register with a legal domicile with some authority, facing the same bureaucratic formalities as the written press and that he (she) will have to connect to the internet every single day in order to check whether there is a request for correction and place the correction in due time."This would definitely discourage bloggers who will hesitate to write on economical or political issues that might bother certain personalities."--------------------------------------------
The Big Brother thing looks like it is about to get very real in Italy. Has it really come to the point where the global conspirators will now begin to move openly toward shutting down dissent? The answer, as evidenced above, is a sobering 'yes'. By the way, 25,000 euros at the present exchange rate is approximately $32,600 usd. fyi ***
Very difficult times are coming upon this globe. Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ? The apostle Paul, known author of 13 of the 66 books of the Holy Bible, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God, made this hard statement in reference to the ever drawing-closer day when the Lord shall intervene in mankind's foolish quest to deify himself and usurp the rule of God over his own creation:
"If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be 'Anathema Maranatha' (accursed when He comes).
Don't be that.
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