-- Lost property
-- Theft
-- Vandalism
-- Vehicle burglary
-- Vehicle tampering
Other crimes that will be reported online starting Aug. 2:
-- Residential burglary
-- Identity theft
-- Annoying or harassing phone calls
-- Barking dogs
-- Restraining order violations
-- Court order violations
-- Runaways
Police won't come? What in the world is going on here?
Answer: Same as always - 'going global'.
The redefining of the police and their role in society, which is exactly what this is about, is a another clear evidence of the transformation of the U.S. from state/city government to the communitarian system of global government.
State and city governments have no place in this global management scheme, and while it is taking some time and effort, they eventually will be completely eliminated. Global government at the local level will be a community-based 'system of management'. This plan is known as Agenda 21, or United Nations Agenda for the 21st Century. Another name for it is 'communitarianism' (i.e. community-communism). [see post; follow links]
The affairs of local governments are to be shifted to the individual communities. This will be of necessity, they will say, using the fabricated excuse that the states and/or cities are 'bankrupt', and no longer able to provide the particular services. The result will be that communities will need to then organize and essentially fend for themselves. This process is perfectly exampled by this charade in the city of Oakland.
Years ago a nationwide program called C.O.P.S. (community oriented policing) was created to establish partnerships between local law enforcement and community citizen action groups. Although not promoted as such, this NWO program was cleverly designed to train those community groups for the time when they would have to essentially police their own communities.
and: Schwarzenegger at the First Ever "World Regional Government" Forum 11-20-09
also: Report: Build 'Skeletal Infrastructure' to Survive Society Collapse 10-7-08 (The final blow? need to read)
1Thessalonians 5:6 "Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober"
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