Oklahoma will require schools to teach the Bible and have a copy in every classroom, the state’s top education official announced Thursday.
Effective immediately, Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible as part of the curricula in grades five through 12, according to a memo Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters sent to all school districts. Schools are instructed to refer to the Bible and the Ten Commandments for their “substantial influence on our nation’s founders and the foundational principles of our Constitution.”
“Immediate and strict compliance is expected,” the memo noted.
Walters said at a state Board of Education meeting Thursday, “We’ll be teaching from the Bible in the classroom to ensure that this historical understanding is there for every student in the state of Oklahoma.”
Americans United for Separation of Church and State, a nonprofit civil liberties group, said in a statement that Walters’ new Bible policy is “trampling the religious freedom of public school children and their families.”
re: 'teaching from the bible...historical understanding'
It's just plain oh so obvious. Teaching the bible in schools - Okalahoma decreees it statewide - to begin immediately. Not a law just a decree by a "memo" from the "Superintendent of Public Instruction" (whatever that is - sounds very 1984-ish). This coming right on the heels of Louisaina passing their new law [6-'24] mandating the Ten Commandments be displayed in all classrooms in that state - which was the topic of these two very recent posts linked just below:
6-19-24 Louisiana Passes Law Requiring '10 Commandments' In All Classrooms - But Wait - It's An Obvious Zionist Precursor To Their Planned Noahide Law (and false revival) 6-19-24 " there are two things primarily to note: (1st) the deception on a so-called 'endtimes revial'.. (2nd) the ulterior motive for putting the ten commandments back in schools.. which two very obvious things are these:
6-26-24 : Louisiana Ten-Commandments Law Going To Court Already -- Trump Endorses New Law Calls For 'Revival' [On Script] "This is going to be long-term.."
Ten commandments in Louisiana and now 'teaching the bible' in Oklahoma. Needless to say these things have been done in lock-step. There is an agenda. What that agenda is - an overall view - is stated in the above two posts so need not be repeated here [see posts]. But, what Oklahoma has just now 'decreed' - teaching the bible in the schools' - brings an entirely new dimension of the 'overall agenda' into play. The true purpose for this move though is not what most people would think, but is actually very devious. Easy as can be to see that devious purpose too. Fits hand-in-glove with the Louisiana 'law'.
Here is what it is - real brief - the real purpose for the ZNWO-madmen suddenly deciding that the students of the USA need to be 'taught the bible': Very important note that the decree states that the bible is to be taught essentially for it's "historical understanding" etc. etc.. Yada yada yeah yeah sure thing.. guess what that lesson plan is going to contain. One guess only. One guess is all that is needed. The bible for students in Zionist-run public schools here we go: Lesson 1 - the Jews are the 'chosen people'; Lesson 2 - the land belongs to the Jews; Lesson 3 - the Jews are to rule the world; Lesson 4 - you exist only to serve them [see: minions]; - Okay that's good kiddies you're dismissed now go to your next class and learn how to change your gender.
Indoctrination aka brainwash re: Tikkun Olam no other plan for the world [link]. Very important to note on this bible-in-the-school as 'history' scheme is that this very thing they have now begun to teach the kids in the schools - is exactly what they plan to tell the entire world after their fake Gog-Magog WWIII production wraps up (with them winning by a 'miraculous deliverance'); see:
Prepping for Gog-Magog WWIII Hoax 5-17-15 "...one thing is certain - and that is that a massive worldwide deception is on the way...in terms of middle east warfare, ultimately finalizing in a fake Gog-Magog WWIII, prearranged to result in Israeli victory, allowing for a claim of divine-deliverance, to then be interpreted-to-the-world as evidence of the god-given right to rule the planet and mankind; see: [Zionism coming Jewish-Antichrist]
Getting the kids brainwashed and submitted to the zionist-world-order idea ahead of time via 'bible as history' in schools. Plan is underway. Transparent as it gets. Be fully informed.
Rev. 18:4
Micah 3:10 'They build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity'
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