
'Chevron' Keep It Or Throw It Out - SCOTUS Ruling Now On Case That Would Give Themselves Totalitarian Power

Inside the Supreme Court argument asking if the justices should crown themselves kings and queens

Four justices appeared absolutely determined, on Wednesday, to overrule one of the most consequential Supreme Court decisions in the Court’s entire history .. The open question is whether the Court’s four most strident opponents of this foundational ruling can find a fifth vote.

Chevron v. National Resources Defense Council (1984) is arguably [fundamentally] important to the development of federal administrative law — an often technical area of the law, but one that touches on literally every single aspect of American life.. Chevron is a foundational decision, which places strict limits on unelected federal judges’ ability to make policy decisions for the entire nation.

Congress routinely passes laws that delegate policymaking authority to a federal agency [rather than appointed judges*].

Overruling Chevron .. would transfer a simply astounding amount of power to the justices themselves. While there are many federal statutes delegating many policy decisions to agencies, that power is spread across 15 different Cabinet departments and an array of other independent agencies. So no particular agency or agency leader has authority over matters that do not fall within their area of expertise.

In a world without Chevron, by contrast, the Supreme Court will have the final word over all policy questions that previously were made by agencies. And, unlike the president, none of the justices are elected. And all of them serve for life.

*The justices, in other words, could effectively appoint themselves kings and queens in the Loper Bright and Relentless cases. The fundamental question raised in both cases is whether nine unelected lawyers, all of whom have life tenure, should be placed in charge of virtually every policymaking decision made by the executive branch of government.

re: "astounding power ..unelected ..life tenure"

SCOTUS to make themselves totalitarian dictators? Apparently this is what it comes down to with regard to this 'Chevron' case currently being argued before SCOTUS. Depending on whether they keep the 'Chevron' law as is, or overrule it. If they overrule it, they effectively grant themselves absolute power affecting "literally every single aspect of American life" [quote above article]. And then retaining that power for life.

The usual drama is attached to this event with four of nine SCOTUS appointees said to be on board to throw Chevron out and rule as 'kings and queens', with three arguing to keep it unchanged. The drama surrounds the remaining two who are said to be undecided. Only need one to join the four saying 'throw-it-out' to turn Amerika into a defacto dictatorship. Reportedly a secret vote is scheduled for tomorrow Friday [1-19-24 (911?)], but the final ruling is not expected for a few months. So, not too much can be said at this point - it's a wait and see..

At any rate - whether this goes thru or not - Hunger Games New Amerika [link] is the only goal for the USA - that agenda is known - under the planned Tikkun Olam would-be Zio-Kingdom-Kome Antichrist Global dictatorship [link] - whatever means they ultimately use to try to pull it off - on their way to Armageddon [Rev. 16:1,16]..
 fyi [Chevron know about it]

Rev. 18:4
Rev. 16:18 'And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great'


Everything By The 'Magic Numbers' - Trump 'Wins' Historic Iowa Caucus in '33' Minutes -- Kabbalah Wizardry At it Again [1-15-24]

Trump WINS the 2024 Iowa Republican caucus: Ex-president, 77, storms to historic victory

The historic landslide came despite Arctic temperatures and the Hawkeye State being battered by blizzards that were expected to decimate turnout.

It gives Trump a massive boost as he seeks to win the Republican presidential nomination and return to the White House in what would be the most remarkable political comeback in U.S. history.

Fox News and CNN both called the race just 33 minutes after polls opened, and after only 319 votes had been counted.

'I feel great,' Trump told Fox News. 'I am greatly honored by such an early call. It really is an honor that, minutes after, they've announced I've won.."

Everything need to know on official day one of Fake Presidential Election '24 [1-15-24]. First vote either side first result.. a Trump 33. Hidden in plain sight again. Couldn't make it any more obvious. Meaning: Kabbalah-numerology evil-power activated, let the election24 ordo-ab-chao really-big-show begin. Guaranteed to be a wild ride - recommend be ready for anything. Ending the USA as-we-know-it is the only zio-globalist goal - all are playing their roles. Meaning the now-begun phony-election '24, however it is made to go, is without doubt going to be a real psycho-thriller - and also without doubt, will be made to greatly advance that one-only zio-goal .. stay tuned it's all planned out already.. according to the numerology 'magic numbers' of course.. fyi
Compare: Trump-card show alive and well 2023: '777-Trump' Arrested 6-13-23 Another Ritual Riddled With Ridiculous Numerology - 77th Birthday 77 Days After Indictment.. And More

see also: Scripted '2020 Stolen Election Kraken-Plan' (still in play very apparently) 8-20-21  "Stolen Election the actors and plot: Here is where Trump comes in. Trump is the good guy - the 'white hat'. He will save the USA from the 'Deep State'. Biden (mumbling stumbling all part of the act) is the bad guy - black hat - a deep state puppet. The "Deep State" theme goes much deeper in this plot though then is generally understood. The deep state is not just the "radical left". The "Deep State" story line is that China is behind it all. China masterminded the election steal and installed Biden. Biden is a 'China-operative' (along with Hunter). China has infiltrated the US Government and has managed to gain control at every level - including the US court system all the way to the Supreme Court. Here is the reason why no courts would hear any 2020 election challenges.. This is a massive world-changing game being played.."  [see post - follow links connect dots]

Rev. 18:4
Leviticus 19:31 'Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God'


Fake News Is All They Do All Day Everyday Making Sheeples Out Of Peoples -- ZNWO Bureau Of Propaganda [2024 Be Worse Yet]


10-yr. Flashback: Asiana Flight 214 From Korea 'Crashes' - MSM Does 'Asian Racism' Says Pilots Names Sum Ting Wong - Wi Tu Lo  [7-6-13]


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<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/XVEuBDUW5Uvd/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


Original post 7-12-13: CA News Station KTVU Airs Absurd Mock Of Asiana Flight 214 Pilot Names - Then Retracts

"(translation unnecessary surely, but for the record:)

something's wrong
we too low
crash sounds and cry of pain

This is called in-your-face. Absolutely impossible that something like this could ever get past the program directors unless intentional. Be alerted - this is the state of deranged antichrist darkness the world has now come to, and you are being subjected to it on a daily basis. Rom. 10:13 "

"All the various disastrous events John Q. Public is being 'traumatized' with daily, which is exactly the case, and meaning absolutely EVERYTHING that comes across the screen, is it all a big sick joke? Only the most gullible could believe for even a moment that what San Francisco's KTVU did today... could have in any possible way been 'accidental', as was claimed after-the-fact (see vid). What did they do? Well they 'accidentally' "misidentified the pilots" of Asiana Flight 214, because, we are told, the names had been "confirmed by an NTSB official". Here is the video of the newscast, and yes it is real..." [full post - link]


Compare: The Explanation Of Everything Happening In The World Today: "Tikkun Olam" The Jewish Conspiracy To Rule The World - From The Kabbalah ..In Their Own Words: 4-12-22

Rev. 18:4


J. C. Philpot 1857 Against KJV Revision: "Enemies Of Truth" Will Give Us A "Mutilated False Bible"

'The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever' Psalms 12:6-7*
The Desirability of Keeping the Authorized Version by J. C. Philpot (Written in 1857 when the Revised Version was contemplated)

We take this opportunity to express our opinion upon a question much agitated of late--whether it would be desirable to have a new (or at least a revised) translation of the Scriptures. We fully admit that there are here and there passages of which the translation might be improved, as, for instance, "love" for "charity" all through 1 Corinthians 13;** but we deprecate any alteration as a measure that, for the smallest sprinkling of good, would deluge us with a flood of evil. The following are our reasons:

1. Who are to undertake it? Into whose hands would the revision fall? What an opportunity for the enemies of truth to give us a mutilated false Bible! Of course, they must be learned men, great critics, scholars, and divines, but these are notoriously either Puseyites or Neologians (We should say: Anglo-Catholics and Modernists.)--in other words, deeply tainted with either popery or infidelity. Where are there learned men sound in the truth, not to say alive unto God, who possess the necessary qualifications for so important a work? And can erroneous men, men dead in trespasses and sins, carnal, worldly, ungodly persons, spiritually translate a book written by the blessed Spirit? We have not the slightest ground for hope that they would be godly men, such as we have reason to believe translated the Scriptures into our present version.


Lahaina Burn Down Aug. '23 -- Boots On The Ground Not DEW; Burned Houses Not Trees Flamethrowers Drones .. Watch And See Pt. 3

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/1h7iQSTHZUQp/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


See also: Agenda 21 Burn Down Your Town Pt. 1 & 2:

Pt. 1 Lahaina Maui Burn Down 'Controlled Demolition' [flamethrowers] Tagged w/ 9/11 Numerology - We Did It.. August 2023

Pt. 2 Burned Up Melted Cars And Metals - NOT DEW It's Thermite - Watch and See .. [Flamethrowers Maui]

[*recommend watch this Pt. 3 vid to the end - the end is very important to see, to understand]

Northern CA 2019

Rev. 18:4