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Original post 7-12-13: CA News Station KTVU Airs Absurd Mock Of Asiana Flight 214 Pilot Names - Then Retracts
"(translation unnecessary surely, but for the record:)
something's wrong
we too low
crash sounds and cry of pain
This is called in-your-face. Absolutely impossible that something like this could ever get past the program directors unless intentional. Be alerted - this is the state of deranged antichrist darkness the world has now come to, and you are being subjected to it on a daily basis. Rom. 10:13 "
"All the various disastrous events John Q. Public is being 'traumatized' with daily, which is exactly the case, and meaning absolutely EVERYTHING that comes across the screen, is it all a big sick joke? Only the most gullible could believe for even a moment that what San Francisco's KTVU did today... could have in any possible way been 'accidental', as was claimed after-the-fact (see vid). What did they do? Well they 'accidentally' "misidentified the pilots" of Asiana Flight 214, because, we are told, the names had been "confirmed by an NTSB official". Here is the video of the newscast, and yes it is real..." [full post - link]
Compare: The Explanation Of Everything Happening In The World Today: "Tikkun Olam" The Jewish Conspiracy To Rule The World - From The Kabbalah ..In Their Own Words: 4-12-22
Rev. 18:4
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