Fenced in..put in their pens..
<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/GqlwppsbJXBX/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>
see also: Psaki Trolls World Calls Korona 'Plandemic' 8-25-21 [vid]
Coronavirus Fake Germie Thing Ultra-Magnified Reveals The Reality - Corona A Massive Hoax ... 'Cattle' Plan 3-15-20 "Ultimately Operation Corona is about taking personal autonomy from the individual. Precedents of all types are being set. Things never before seen. Martial law, quarantines, travel controls, medical authoritarianism - including pushing the vax-agenda to new heights, communitarian objectives, and more, across the entire globe (using the new laws passed during Swine '09, Zika hoaxes - link). Without question the greatest largest most fantastic problem-reaction-solution ordo-ab-chao exercise ever conducted... And the little [fake] germie-thing made it all possible. Making the people cattle, and treating them as such - like a herd. Zio-Goy-agenda.." [see post]
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Psalms 37:35 'I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found'
The poor Austalians, I watched some of the youtube vids of protesters who had been burned with their military's microwave weapons.
I keep repeating Daniel verse, The robbers of my people will exalt themselves to establish the vision but it will fall Please God, may it fall soon, even so come Lord Jesus The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Federal Reserve announces July launch of central bank digital currency infrastructure
Dr Mike Yeadon — 2 days ago
It’s even worse than most can imagine. Mandatory digital ID is almost certain to be imposed. Any number of pretexts will serve to force it into our lives. In Europe, rationing is a possible route. It’s going to be essential in what these ghastly people call a “Zero Trust Society”. ZT means proving your identity every time you cross a regulated threshold or engage in a regulated activity or transaction. Note that, in due course, every threshold, activity & transaction will be regulated, including online.
Those who ignorantly argue that “we’ve had digital ID fir decades, this is no different”, fail to recognise that there’s never been a common format, interoperable, editable digital ID before, covering the planet. It’ll also be making decisions in real time, so that if you’re an undesirable, you can selectively be denied access to public spares and transport, prevented from accessing certain (or all) retailers or financial services including obtaining cash. They will kill off cash entirely.
You may be CERTAIN that any executive seeking to deprive the citizenry of cash is malign. Don’t allow them to do it. Keeping one anonymous trading method is our sole defence against totalitarian encroachment. I believe this digital ID will eventually mirror your entire life & will link to your CBDC, personal ID, medical records, including vaccination, and other information you won’t be able to see, such as political orientation. It’s not only the end of human freedoms forever, it’s obviously the end of democracy.
This system in starting to roll out in U.K., where it will be required this very year if you want to file your own taxes. I will avoid initially being captured by having my accountant do this.
Whoever controls the database & algorithms will control you (& me). It won’t be anywhere but in some supranational database perhaps an offshoot of Amazon, which is why they have offered inducements for years to get you to sign up for Prime.
The very worst part of this is answering “But why are they doing this?”
The answer is “So that they can force you to accept repeated injection with what they’ll tell you are vaccines but in fact will be slowly acting sub-lethal gene-based preparations”.
Injecting you either mRNA encoding a foreign protein will trigger autoimmune attack. Do this enough times & you will be killed.
Ultimately this is what it’s all about. Totalitarian tyranny and depopulation.
Nows the time to spread the word. We have precious little time left.
Best wishes
re: verse in Daniel (above comment)
Daniel 11:14 when i read this verse in the KJV (the only bible that can be trusted i always argue) it reads a little different: "..also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall"
Other than punctuation, note the two bolded words: the heavenly being speaking to Daniel does not say "my people" but says to Daniel "thy people"; then the second significant difference in just this one verse is that the KJV does not say 'it' - i.e. the vision - will fall, but that it is 'they' - i.e. the robbers (of your people Daniel) - that will fall.
..if instead of 'they' the word 'it' is used - that the vision falls is no great thing really because the robbers themselves apparently are still standing; but if the robbers themselves fall, as in the KJV, then all is over.
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