Always look upon wicked men under those names and notions which the Scripture describes them, such as:
lions for their fierceness, Ps. 22:13
bears for their cruelty, Pr. 28:15
dragons for their hideousness, Deut 32:33
dogs for their filthiness, Phil. 3:2
wolves for their subtleness, Ezek. 22:27
scorpions, vipers, thorns, briars, Ezek. 2:6
thistles, brambles, stubble, dirt, Malachi 4:1
chaff, dust, dross, smoke, scum. Isa. 5:24
You may know well enough what is within them, by the apt names which the Holy Spirit has given them. By looking upon them under those names and notions that the Scripture sets them out by, may preserve the soul from frequenting their company and delighting in their society. Such monsters are wicked men—which should render their company to all who have tasted of the sweetness of divine love, a burden and not a delight. Thomas Brooks (1608-1680)
Believer: 2Timothy 3:14 'But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of...'