or... the devastating flood-destruction was geoengineered (i.e. open a dam, break a levee, etc. - river systems are engineered flood-on-demand can be done easily) with 'Ida' as the cover story. For Agenda 21 rewild/land-grab purposes. Real or geoengineered ...wonder which logical explanation could be true:
MSM CGI Virtual Storms
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<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/gSwtKb6dF3Sf/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>
See: MSM CGI Virtual-Storms: Honolulu Mayor Calls 'Hurricane Lane' An "Exercise" After It Does Impossible U-Turn 8-26-18 "And it is the same every time. MSM CGI [exists only on TV] "unprecedented storm of the century" hype everybody evacuate your life is at stake... unprecedented unprecedented just like last time and the time before that and the other 185 unprecedented times over the last so-many years... CGI 'virtual storms' (routine storms made out to be 'the monster beast' etc. by CGI i.e. 'computer generated images'), but coming with very real destruction - geoengineered - cui bono? Answer: nwo Agenda 21 rewilders/land grabbers..every time.."
Rev. 18:4
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