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Above video a follow up on this 11-19-20 post/vid:
Sydney Powell Vows To "Clean Up" Biden 'Election-Fraud' - Translate: Get Ready For Ordo-Ab-Chao Dark Winter "But what about the 'election'? Did Biden really steal it, and if so can Trump stop the fraud... and and and...? Reality of the whole thing could not be more plain. It's all a script people. Always is. Everything. This make-believe election is no different. Gullible John Q. Public is getting played. There is no election. There never was an election. There is only a plan. They are all in on it together. Tag team. One goal only.. would-be zio-kingdom-kome [link]. Note: that is not the USA. The USA is not in that plan. Not hard to understand what that means. And, the 'ZKK' won't build itself now will it? Ordo ab chao is the only way it gets done, and in this case it looks like a "Dark Winter", with, for one, absolutely crazy election-chaos, is the plan. Gonna get wild in the coming months in other words... seems to be the only way to interpret the things being done and said.." [vid]
Biden on the left, script on the right |
Rev. 18:4
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