They're All In On It: Putin Exactly 777 Months Old On 7-7-17 1st Trump meeting - 1888 Days In Office; And NK Hoax
"Putin 777 months old exactly first ever meeting with 777-Trump on 7-7-17. Once again impossible numerology - naturally occurring that is, which reveals all to be a long in planning, very carefully constructed production. Inauguration Day 2017 Trump was exactly 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old from his given birth date. Obama on the same day was in his 666th month from his given birth date [see link at top], and now we have Russia's Putin, on the 'historic' 7-7-17 first meeting between himself and 777-Trump, being exactly 777 months old from his given birth date of 10-7-52:"
"Vladimir Putin (born 7 October 1952) is the current President of Russia, holding the office since 7 May 2012" - wiki
"64 years and nine months. 64 multiplied by 12 is 768. 768 plus 9 is 777. As will be noted in the above image the day of the meeting 7-7-17 added one additional day to the total. This would be only a partial day though. Interesting thing about this is that it makes Putin to have completed exactly 777 months, not a day less, not a day more. A complete and full, finished, 777."
"Still more kabbalist numerological-wackiness surrounding this 'historic' first Trump-Putin meeting. Not surprisingly actually, it connects to Trump's first ever 'presidential' visit to the White House [11-10-16] where he, as president-elect, met with Obama. That day was strongly marked with the kabbalist favorite number '88' [see link @ top]. So too, now, the first meeting of Putin and Trump, as seen below [see post@link]. Referencing the wiki link above the first image, Putin's first day in office as Russian president was 5-7-12. Exact total days from that day to this first meeting with Trump - 1888:"
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Trump Putin Kim Obama Hillary SCOTUS Macron Merkel Trudeau Erdogan et. al. every 'leader' so-called of other nations Satan is the little-g god of this ungodly world [2Cor. 4:4] all belong to him play their roles nothing more [Luke 4:4-7,8]. All is a stage managed production not crafted by flesh and blood but by principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places [Eph. 6:12] to manifest Antichrist and his kingdom out of the invisible spirit realm to visible live in control on earth. Witchcraft wickedness evil is how. This world planet earth.
1John 5:18-19 'We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not. And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness'
Rev. 18:4
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