ISIS the Antichrist-spirit-invoking (link below*) named threat-to-the-world that came out of nowhere not even nine months ago, but now can pop up anywhere at any time, and as it so happens, providing a perfect pretense to forward every Zionist-world-order (ZWO) takeover goal on the agenda. How convenient is that for the would-be global overlords [link]? Answer: Way too convenient. From full-scale implementing of so-called 'security' measures against the planet's populations globally, to invading and occupying the entire Middle East, especially the immediate goal of the taking of the "Promised Land", ISIS ISIS ISIS is making it all possible - with the help of a few Youtube videos of guys in orange jumpsuits with others in black-hooded get-ups waving flags, of course. Final assessment, if it is not believable...then it does not matter how many times it is replayed. While it is not possible to avoid the unrelenting psyops put out daily if not hourly at this point, a person still does not have to have their brain numbed into mush by absorbing it all. Recommend do not absorb any of it. (see link at bottom**)
[Reposted] Israeli Mossad Code Named "ISIS" - And Imaginary 'ISIS' A Zionist Ploy To Takeover "The Promised Land" 9-13-14
There are at least a half a dozen different videos going viral based on the below clip. The clip is from 1990, revealing that the Israeli Mossad has used the acronym "ISIS" for a long time. This does not lessen the reality that the name "ISIS" is also that of the name of the so-called Egyptian 'goddess' that is used to represent the "spirit of Antichrist", aka "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" - Rev. 17:5 [see 'follow up' post linked below video]. In reality, it would be hard to see the choice of the use of those particular four letters as a code-name for 'Mossad' as anything other than intentional, which also would seem to be exactly the case with the naming of the appearing-out-of-nowhere bad guys that are suddenly providing a seemingly too-good-to-be-true perfect pretext for the Zionists immediate goal in the Middle East of taking over Syria...
This post is a follow up on:
*ISIS: ZWO Invoking 'Spirit Of Antichrist'; Script About 'The Promised Land' (Syria), 'Blood Moons', Katy Perry "Perfect Storm" [Bible Prophecy] 6-21-14
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(Theodor Herzl is considered the 'father of modern political Zionism'- link) |
To the would-be earth-conquering Zionists Syria is crucial. One half of Syria, as seen above, belongs to the original promised land of the Genesis 15 "Abrahamic Covenant":
Genesis 15:18 'In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates'
The river Euphrates cuts right down the middle of Syria and Iraq. The Jews have never possessed all the land, and they want it. Make no mistake, the goal of Zionism is nothing less than total domination of the entire earth, where they should rule as lords over the 'lesser species' of 'lower humanity', but, the "Promised Land" would then be set aside as distinctly Jewish. All of this is another topic though, more than can be dealt with here [link]. Suffice it to say they do want it and it looks like it's about go-time, once again thanks to "ISIS". This 'war' very well may morph into the fake Gog-Magog WWIII, as described in the 'follow up' at top [see post; w/prophecy details].
Last year's 'ISON' the no-show meteorite proved to be imaginary: Imaginary ISON a no-show Nov. 28
Is this year's 'ISIS' the-perfect-Syria-pretext real or imaginary? They're here, they're there, they're everywhere, says the ZWO news creators. And they showed up at the perfect time too - just when the next phase of Zionist global domination was time to go, which is to say perfectly timed for the so-called 'blood moons' (fake) bible prophecy coming over the next year - according to the astronomical calendar, which then allows for some added (invented) prophecy-type effects, which can then be trumpeted to all the world as 'divine' favor on the overall agenda [link]. What a plan - no?
ISIS acronymed bad guys, harbingers, shemitah years [link], blood moons, ebola; not to mention Russia, China, Iran supposedly getting together, which is extremely convenient for anyone that might be planning to try and pull off a little Gog-Magog fake bible prophecy scenario [link]. And all these things at once? Again the question, is 'ISIS' real or imaginary. It's not that hard of a question.
Compare: Arab News Al Jazeera Claims Foley, Sotloff 'Beheadings' Were "Hollywood" Productions To Justify Syria Invasion 9-6-14
Rev. 18:4
(follow links, connect dots)
**"When Everything...Public Believes Is False"...Disinfo Program Will Be Complete - William Casey CIA/ZWO 1981 1-8-15
Micah 3:10 'They build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity'
Unlimited War! ISIS Psyop Theater Comes to Full Fruition
Hollywood Studio Caught Producing ISIS Videos
Amazing to see the way Bible predictions coming to pass.
Two thousand years ago, Christ had predicted his death and it all was now coming to pass. There were two Activists with Jesus as he was nearing the end. One was Peter who cut off the ear of a servant of the High Priest and the other was Judas who tried to force Christ's hand into an overthrow of the government and ended up betraying him in the process. Christ said, "my kingdom is not of this world". These two activists had seen Christ's power in action and that, together with a hatred of the government of the day because it was so evil, they could not accept what was happening.
Today, as we are watching Biblically predicted tribulation unfold, we remember that God is still in charge (not us) and what he says will come to pass.
Psalm 147:6
The LORD sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground.
Daniel 2:21
He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
We are seeing it come to pass exactly as predicted. As for our and pray and to look up, for our redemption draws near!
Amazing to see the way Bible predictions coming to pass.
Two thousand years ago, Christ had predicted his death and it all was now coming to pass. There were two Activists with Jesus as he was nearing the end. One was Peter who cut off the ear of a servant of the High Priest and the other was Judas who tried to force Christ's hand into an overthrow of the government and ended up betraying him in the process. Christ said, "my kingdom is not of this world". These two activists had seen Christ's power in action and that, together with a hatred of the government of the day because it was so evil, they could not accept what was happening.
Today, as we are watching Biblically predicted tribulation unfold, we remember that God is still in charge (not us) and what he says will come to pass.
Psalm 147:6
The LORD sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground.
Daniel 2:21
He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
We are seeing it come to pass exactly as predicted. As for our and pray and to look up, for our redemption draws near!
You know, I was wondering about the fact that there were 21 beheadings. Why 21? Then there is that part about their 'message to the people of the cross.' And suddenly while driving down the road it hit me; agenda 21, all that stuff about the 21st century, etc., lots of NWO stuff about that. It could be a symbolic message too. I know you're into that numbers stuff so I thought I'd mention it for what it's worth.
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