1:50 "Will the Almighty contend with the nothingness of man..."
2:50 "It must be a contention of mercy..." [39min]
19:30 "...another reason...but it is one which some of you will not understand; some however will. Beloved, ye remember that it is written, that we "must bear the image of the heavenly" [1Cor. 15:49], namely, the image of Christ. As he was in this world even so must we be. We must have fellowship with him in his sufferings, that we may be conformable unto his death [Phil. 3:10]. Hast thou never thought that none can be like the Man of Sorrow [Isaiah 53:3] unless they have sorrows too? How can you be like unto him, who sweat as it were great drops of blood [Luke 22:44], if you do not sometimes say, "My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death" [Matt 26:38]. Think not, O well-beloved, that thou canst be like the thorn-crowned head, and yet never feel the thorn. Canst thou be like thy dying Lord, and yet be uncrucified? Must thy hand be without a nail, and thy foot without a wound [Gal. 5:24; 6:14]? Canst thou be like him, unless like him thou art compelled to say, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" - Psalms 22:1. God is chiseling you—you are but a rough block—he is making you into the image of Christ; and that sharp chisel is taking away much which prevents your being like him. Must he who is our head be marred in his visage by reason of grief [Isaiah 52:14], and must we for ever rejoice and sing? It cannot be.
"The heirs of salvation, I know from his word,
Through much tribulation must follow their Lord."
full text
Romans 8:29 'For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren'
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