Google Starts Removing Search Results Under Europe's 'Right to be Forgotten'
Search Engine Updated Technical Infrastructure Overnight to Start the Implementation
The Internet is starting to forget. Google Inc. on Thursday [6-26-14] started removing results from its search engine under Europe's new "right to be forgotten," implementing a landmark May ruling by the European Union's top court that gives individuals the right to request removal of results that turn up in Internet searches for their own names.
Google engineers overnight updated the company's technical infrastructure to begin implementing the removals, and Thursday began sending the first emails to individuals informing them that links they had requested were being taken down. The company has hired a dedicated "removals team" to evaluate each request, though only a small number of the initial wave of takedown requests has so far been processed.
As of nearly a month ago, Google had received more than 41,000 removal requests via a web form it had set up in response to the ruling, which said Google must weigh individuals' right to privacy against a public interest in having certain information available.
At least one privacy regulator has expressed displeasure to Google in recent weeks over the fact that the company is only removing results from name searches on its European websites, but leaving them intact on the U.S.-based www.google.com, a person familiar with the meeting said. European Google users are normally redirected to local European versions of Google, but can easily change their preferences to use the unfiltered U.S. version.
There are early signs that the ruling in Europe is rippling elsewhere. Hong Kong's top privacy regulator, Allen Chiang Yam-wang, said in a blog post published Thursday that he expects cases similar to the one in Europe will soon be heard in Canada and Japan and suggested that Google should apply the ruling in Europe globally.
Yahoo said it, too, would begin implementing the European decision and remove links
A Microsoft Corp. spokesman repeated an earlier statement that the company is working on a process for Europeans to request items to be deleted from results from its Bing search engine.
re: "Google must weigh"
"Google" the information editor of the world? Full blown open censorship, i.e. neutering the net, has officially begun today 6-26-14. The line now having been crossed, it can only go one direction from here - downhill all the way. Technically only applying in the EU here at the outset, but as seen Canada and Japan are about to bring the topic front and center and calls for global application are already being heard. Yahoo and Bing will begin the arbitrary Big Brother censoring also.
Arbitrary is the word. Private entities, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, et al, answerable to none, now appointing themselves as the "weighers" of what information the 'global serfdom' will be allowed to access.
Fairly rapid mutant growth of the program most likely can be expected. Be aware, the last remaining source for any possibility of non-fiction is not long for this fallen world. Rev. 18:4
James 5:8 '...establish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh'
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