[Video and comment above video originally posted 11-25-09]
Christian, Can You Feel At Home In This World Anymore?
A flash from the past, circa early 60's. "This world is not my home...i'm just-a passing through...my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue"? You would be hard pressed to hear the words of this song, or any like them, anywhere these days. Modern day professing Christendom has settled right down in this ol' world [cf. Rev. 3:17] - fat, happy, and loving life in Babylon...
Philippians 3:20 'For our conversation* is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ' - link
*NT Greek word translated into the English word "conversation" is: politeuma pol-it'-yoo-mah from 4176; a community, i.e. (abstractly) citizenship (figuratively):--conversation
Note: the English word 'politics' is derived from the same root word as the Greek "politeuma". That word is "polis" meaning 'city': "The English word "political" has at its root the Greek word for "city" (polis). Hence, originally, “political“ had something to do with the formation of a city, particularly its social structures.5 “In later Greek politeuma can mean not only the administration and structure of the political body but also that body itself, or its members."6 Furthermore, subgroups within the city can also be identified with this word, so long as they have officials who establish rules of conduct:
'It can refer to quite a small civilian community, or group of mercenaries, which is organized like a city commune and enjoys a measure of independent existence alongside the city commune... . The significant feature of such a politeuma is that it has officials and can pass decrees independently of the rest of the community'.7" [source].
The true regenerate believer has no 'politics' in this "polis", i.e. world, which is the 'city (polis) of man'...aka Babylon. His 'politeuma' is separate, it is in heaven... Rev. 18:4
Unfortunatelty Jim Reeves is Lee Harvey Oswald and was involved with the Kennedy assassination.
had to look that one up...
unconvincing though, have to say.
and as the supposed 'Kennedy assassination' with the impossible magical bullet is not believable at all...
nothing about it can be taken at 'face' value
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