On Friday, “National Coming Out Day,” Los Angeles Unified School District teachers and staff members will be given rainbow “ally” badges to show that they support LGBT students as part of the "Out for Safe Schools" initiative.
Beginning tomorrow, every one of L.A.’s 655,000 public school students will know and see there are adults at their school who support and care about LGBT kids."
Just to make sure that students who have native languages other than English can understand, the badges will have the word “ally” translated into seven languages on the front and a list of resources on the flip side. The teachers and staff members are expected to be urged to don the badges.
In case there are some that haven't heard the big news, the psycho manipulators of the would-be novus ordo seclorum have designated today 10-11-13 as "National Coming Out Day". The Los Angeles area youth indoctrination centers aka schools will be in full compliance, as seen, with instructors and other personnel all being strongly encouraged to acquiesce to the homosexual-proselytization agenda by agreeing to become "allies".
As the homosexual agend-ites have seized total control of every area of society, their aggressive recruitment programs can no longer be stopped. That is the reality of this fallen Babylon [Rev. 14:8] world of today in which we live. That being the case, un-indoctrination efforts toward their children by non-believing parents of the homosexual religion is the only alternative remaining. Be informed. Rev. 18:4
related: Homosexual Indoctrination Gone Wild: Australian "Proud Schools" Teach Heterosexuality Not The Norm 10-21-12 "Australian school children are to be told that heterosexuality is not the norm, according to a new education department pilot program called “Proud Schools.” [see post]
2Cor. 6:17-18 ' Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.'
1 comment :
Really disturbing things happening these days. Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ that this world is not my home and i'm just passing through. Pressing in, pressing on, and looking unto Him. 1Thess 5:16-19
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