Fukushima citizen “Recent earthquake is something different” Posted by Mochizuki on January 9th, 2012 / fukushima-diary.com
[Translation:] "I think everyone has noticed it if they live in Fukushima since 311, and paid attention to earthquakes. Suddenly, the way of shaking has changed, isn’t it? feels like something is exploding underground, like a bomb." [end]
[Translation:] "I feel that too. It feels as if I was sleeping in the double bunk beds and someone knocked me up from the lower bunk. It comes up from the underground all of a sudden, like bang. I woke up several times to be surprised at the knocking up shock. My heart beats heard, can’t be reassured for around the clock." [end]
[Translation:] "I live in Ibaraki, but my family, and people around me feel the same way too. It’s not a normal earthquake, but a short quake as if something was exploding underground. I haven’t felt that quake for 40 years. It happens everyday." [end]
Story, link first found at sherriequestioningall
This post is an update on: NWO 'Japan 9/11' 4-9-11 "Japan takes a massive hit [3-11-11], green global agenda advances... 9-magnitude temblor that struck March 11" - It is Japan's 9/11, compliments of the engineers of the NWO old-world-order-collapsing program [here]. Japan's 9-11 is now proving to be the trigger event that will change the country forever just like the day the NYC twin towers imploded, triggering the metamorphosis of the USA into a NorthCom-Homeland Security-TSA NWO global society in the making. Japan is very 'old-world-order'. For them to ever be converted to the 'new-world-order' a lot of things would need to be severely 'shaken'. That has happened and is happening and will continue to happen as evidenced by this latest injection of 'chaos' into the very ordered Japanese society in the form of...another huge 'quake' [4-8-11?] curiously coming at just about the time they might be expected to be rebounding a bit...Natural disaster? Cui bono? [see: 'Tsunami bombs'?] "
see also: Fukushima Causes Beginning Of NWO's Global "Nuclear Phase Out" 6-18-11
also: Man-Made Earthquakes? Israel, University of Hawaii Simulating Quakes With Explosives 1-24-10 "Israel will create a controlled explosion of 80 tons of explosive material, which will simulate the intensity of a tremor after an earthquake of Magnitude 3." [bomb-quakes?]
and: Virginia Quake Explanation Believable? And 3-28-11 Newsweek Apocalypse Cover 8-26-11
see all: earthquake funny business
follow links, connect dots. fyi
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