Update on: Europe To Ban Herbal Supplements; U.S. Food Act To Follow? 12-30-10 "From 1 May 2011 [today], traditional herbal medicinal products must be licensed or prescribed by a registered herbal practitioner to comply with an EU directive passed in 2004"...Nobody operates outside the Big Brother system. Unless the herbal remedies are 'Big Brother-licensed' and the providers are 'Big Brother-registered' the herbal supplement-ers are out of business..."
Herbal medicines banned as EU directive comes into force
Patients have lost access to hundreds of herbal medicines today, after European regulations came into force.
Sales of all herbal remedies, except for a small number of popular products for 'mild' illness such as echinacea for colds and St John's Wort for depression have been banned.
For the first time traditional traditional products must be licensed or prescribed by a registered herbal practitioner.
Both herbal remedy practitioners and manufacturers fear they could be forced out of business as a result.
Some of the most commonly used products were saved after the Health Secretary Andrew Lansley approved a plan for the Health Professions Council to establish a register of practitioners supplying unlicensed herbal medicines.
However, many remedies were lost as it was only open to those who could afford the licensing process which costs between £80,000 to £120,000 [$125,00 - $187,000 per herb].
At least 50 herbs....will no longer be stocked in health food shops, says the British Herbal Medicine Association.
(continued from 'update link' above) "But the global agenda extends beyond Europe of course which is why the U.S. Congress just last week passed the so-called "Food Safety" plan [S. 510*] which submits America to the exact same thing i.e. the "global codex requirements"...Take note. Exactly what is happening in Europe in four months [today 5-1-11] will also happen here in the U.S.A. before long. Big Brother will be the supplement monopoly over the entire earth. That is what it is all about." [see post]
*see: New Food Act Takes Global Control 12-30-10 "The more you read from this bill [Food Safety Modernization Act], the more surreal it all becomes. The bill was shelved for a year, passed back and forth between the Senate and Congress the last two months or so, and then slipped into an entirely separate bill as an amendment three weeks ago [here] and rammed through the lame duck Congress for last-minute final passage [here]...It will allow the tracking and controlling of everything, especially the financial aspects, which is truly the bottom line. It will all be made to funnel through their hands. It is the Global Food Department of the one world government, and they are now open for business." [follow links, connect dots]
The draconian so-called Food Safety Modernization Act (aka S. 510) became U.S. law in January 2011 after final passage was made possible by way of some back room sleight-of-hand at the final hour. Among it's many broad reaching regulations is a requirement that the U.S. be conformed to the same global-dictatorship-creating "global codex requirements" that the now in force EU herbal medicine ban is based upon.
Totalitarian control of the globe is the one and only goal of the psycho occultic-Kabalist globalists [here]. The 'global codex' and four-month old U.S. 'Food Act' are tools to further that goal. Be advised. Rev. 18:4
Hos. 14:9 'Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein'
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