"The Heavenly Footman", by John Bunyan, 1698. Reposted from a few years back. While the world and those 'running' it today are running headlong into gross darkness (Isaiah 60:2), you, believer, just keep running a nice steady pace the other way...because this world passeth away, but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever (1John 2:15-17). So run ye...
John Bunyan, famed for the classic book 'Pilgrim's Progress', was a prolific author. Here is another example of his excellent work, exhorting the professing believer in that it is no wisdom to take their salvation lightly. In these times of deep apostasy we do well to turn back and ground ourselves in some unquestionably "sound doctrine", capably expounded, as in this particular work by Bunyan.
[Complete audio (redone), unabridged, w/scrolling text for read along; Note audio a robo-voice - MS 'David' - significantly speeded up, tone lowered, definitely 'listenable to' - w/scrolling text especially; 72 min. (it is lengthy, listening/watching in parts can be a good approach.]
<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/pLmLTrdxaeBF/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>
vidlink - for enlarge or full screen
Excerpt: "The Sixth Direction. Take heed that you have not an ear open to every one that calleth after you as you are in your journey. Men that run, you know, if any do call after them, saying, I would speak with you, or go not too fast, and you shall have my company with you, if they run for some great matter, they use to say, Alas, I cannot stay, I am in haste, pray talk not to me now; neither can I stay for you, I am running for a wager: if I win I am made, if I lose I am undone, and therefore hinder me not. Thus wise are men when they run for corruptible things, and thus should thou do, and thou hast more cause to do so than they, forasmuch as they run but for things that last not, but thou for an incorruptible glory. I give thee notice of this betimes, knowing that thou shalt have enough call after thee, even the devil, sin, this world, vain company, pleasures, profits, esteem among men, ease, pomp, pride, together with an innumerable company of such companions; one crying, Stay for me; the other saying, Do not leave me behind; a third saying, And take me along with you. What, will you go, saith the devil, without your sins, pleasures, and profits? Are you so hasty? Can you not stay and take these along with you? Will you leave your friends and companions behind you? Can you not do as your neighbours do, carry the world, sin, lust, pleasure, profit, esteem among men, along with you? Have a care thou do not let thine ear now be open to the tempting, enticing, alluring, and soul-entangling flatteries of such sink-souls as these are. My son, saith Solomon, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not (Prov 1:10)."
Heb. 2:3 "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him..."
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