
USA Canada Mexico aka 'Canamerexico' Release Dictatorial 'Pandemic Preparedness' Regional Government Plan 10-23-24 NAPAAPI

Are Vaccine Passports Just Around the Corner? U.S., Canada, Mexico Launch Pandemic Preparedness Initiative

[10-23-24] The U.S., Canada and Mexico launched a joint pandemic preparedness initiative they said will unite the countries’ public health agencies around a “One Health” approach to addressing future pandemics.*

A critic of the new initiative warned the plan may empower the World Health Organization (WHO) — the architect of the original One Health Initiative — to impose global control measures like vaccine passports and new policies targeting the “infodemic.”

“Because this is an initiative from the WHO, I am deeply concerned,” said Nicholas Hulscher, an epidemiologist and fellow at the McCullough Foundation. “They appear to be seeking domain over plants, animals, and humans — globalized, central control over public health policies in all participating countries.”

Public Health Canada says One Health “considers the relationships between the health of humans, animals, and the environment” — suggesting [the fake narrative - ed.] future pandemics or public health threats may cross from animals to humans.

[HHS Report 10-23-24 / click image to enlarge; source: link]


'The Heavenly Footman' - John Bunyan 1698; He That Will Have Heaven Must Run For It  [Audio-Vid w/Text Scroll] - 'So Run'

[*new *ultra-speed clip]  'Heavenly Footman - John Bunyan 1698; He Who Will Have Heaven Must Run For It' [woohp gotta go...]. Reposted - because it's no time to ease up now. While the world and those 'running' it today are running headlong into gross darkness (Isaiah 60:2), you, believer, just keep running a nice steady pace the other way [1Cor. 9:24] ...because this world passeth away, but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever (1John 2:15-17). So run ye...

So run, that ye may obtain 1 Corinthians 9:24

Full length audio, unabridged, w/scrolling text for read along. Note: audio a robo-voice - speeded up quite a bit, tone lowered quite a bit, definitely 'listenable to' (it is a classic - worth listening to in it's entirety. Do not know of any other recording of this work).

Effort required - yes - but that effort will be repaid. This is not entertainment, it is a thing belonging to history. Video is lengthy -- watching-read along/listening in parts can be a good approach - 72 min. [Audio done at a real fast speed - this actually much enhances the listenability. Speed can still be adjusted on the player according to personal preference.]

Bunyan was a prolific author known primarily for his classic work Pilgrims Progress often said to be the 2nd bestselling book of all time behind only the Holy Bible. True or not can't say but here is another Bunyan work which could be considered a classic also, and as such is worth the effort to carefully listen to it in it's entirety; 72 min. (it is lengthy - listening/watching in parts can be a good approach)


The Heavenly Footman
A description of the man that gets to Heaven; together with the way he runs in, the marks he goes by; also, some
how to run so as to obtain. With an epistle to all the slothful and careless people.
By J O H N B U N Y A N.
"The doctrine is this: THEY THAT WILL HAVE HEAVEN, MUST RUN FOR IT; I say, they that will have heaven, they must run for it. I beseech you to heed it well. Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run ye. The prize is heaven, and if you will have it, you must run for it. You have another scripture for this in the 12th of the Hebrews, the 1st, 2d, and 3rd verses: Wherefore seeing we also, saith the apostle, are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. And LET US RUN, saith he. Again, saith Paul, I therefore so run, not as uncertainly, so fight I, &c."

For enlarge or full screen: vidlink

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<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/pLmLTrdxaeBF/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


mini book 'Heavenly Footman': text or pdf (approx. 28 pp.)

Download video from this site [using link above video (copy vidlink)]: link
1 Corinthians 9:24 'Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain'


Big Big News 'Israel Bombs Iran' - Or - Zionist-Kingdom-Kome Next Phase Underway And All Are In On It Together; Horus

Israel bombs Iran says 'There's more where that came from' - Iran says 'Oh yeah bring it on'

Israel 'attacks' Iran - Or - The Show Goes On - The Fake 'Gog-Magog' WWIII Buildup That Is

- to by design collapse the existing world system so as to replace it with the Zionist so-called 'Kingdom of Zion' making themselves global overlords. Latest episode escalating the narrative now gone live whole world watching the high drama unfold with great suspense - Iran saying 'Oh it's on now' and Iz saying 'bring it' ..as seen in image below - an example of the latest headlines [4-26-24] of the scripted made-for-reality-tv drama titled 'WWIII coming everybody ..one of these days':

But the reality of this supposedly escalating Middle East situation build-up for the pending-WWIII 'global reset' plan is known and it is beyond obvious to the point of ridiculous - that is - that they are all in on it together. Scripted choregraphed enacted in every detail. This was the subject of this previous 4-11-24 post - linked below as nothing really need be added at this point to what is said in it - only that it is now six-months later and however much closer to full launch - which could still be years off no telling - but the Trump-Harris show likely will go center stage next and could stay there for some time - so this Iz-Iran sub-plot may go on the back burner again for a while.. have to see stay tuned the ordo-ab-chao coming from all directions now; see post IZ Iran Horus; video:

4-11-24 Fake WWIII Script Zionists Turn Narrative To Iran As Gaza Takeover Continues April 2024 -- World Control Or Bust .. Script By Horus

Fake WW3 destroy-the-old-world-order replace it with the-Zionist-world-order [see: London 2012] the script: April 2024 Zionist Gaza-takeover continuing on schedule but the very dramatic fake-news narrative is now turned also toward Iran. It is escalation of the overall plan, setting up for the next phase - a looming Iran/Israel confrontation. The hype is unprecedented but can't go by that. It is a production. Meticulously choreographed. There is a world to take over. When "it all goes down" cannot be determined. Could be anytime.. but more likely could still be years and just keep building to the final scene. The build up is conditioning. Conditioning the people to 'expect it' - so when the time to roll does come, well, they expected it. Go a lot smoother that way. At any rate the production is following the script and Iran is coming on stage next. US Israel Canada Russia China Iran Syria Turkey Saudi Arabia North Korea etc. 'they' are all in on it together - and 'they' - those running the show - are all servants of 'Horus' i.e the Devil Satan [Rev. 12:9] - Zionists all - and be aware have no plan 'b' [Rom. 10:13] -- see [*at link] below (reposted; w/vid):
Rev. 18:4


'The Last Trump' 1st Corinthians 15:51-53 - What And When [Solved] ..And The Pretribulation Rapture

The Last Trump

The Last Trump, Pretribulation Rapture, The Mystery, Christ the Firstfruits, Last Enemy. What About These Things?

From: 'Handel's Messiah' [1741] - 3rd part  vidlink

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src='https://www.bitchute.com/embed/exwVtSWpW0k0/' width='550' height='309'</iframe>


Most eschatological interpretations concede the concept of a "rapture". The scriptures describing a rapture at some point in time are very clear and really not possible to explain away. The dispute on the subject is not about 'if' the doctrine of the rapture is the correct interpretation of scripture, but is entirely about the timing of it. Not 'if', but 'when', is the point of the endless contention that surrounds the topic.

Each of the various views have their own specific interpretations to 'prove' that it is the correct one. The purpose of this study though is not to sort through all the differences of the various interpretations, but just to address one of the most important topics with regard to determining the correct timing of the rapture. That topic is the "last trump" of 1st Corinthians 15:52. Opponents of the pretribulation rapture commonly use this verse citing the "last trump" as proof that the 'pretrib' interpretation is false.

What exactly then is the 'last trump'? What is to be understood by the term? What bearing does the 1st Corinthians 15:52 'last trump' have on either proving or disproving the pretribulation position? Or, is the actual significance of the "Last Trump" something else altogether?

The purpose of this study is to answer these questions.

read full>>

1 Corinthians 15:51-53 'Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality'


Flashback Vid: German Politician Quotes Facebook List Of 60 Genders - Tells Council Get That Garbage Out Of Here [Eph. 6:12]

Reposted from Jan. 2017. Worth another look. Often the term PTB powers-that-be is used to describe the unseen source for all the vile evil (same 4 letters) inundating the planet earth today. That term is not quite accurate though. It suggests human powers behind it all. The correct term is PPTB: "principalites-and-powers" ...that be [Eph. 6:12]. The fact is that it is not human powers (flesh and blood) behind the gross corruption overtaking the planet, but evil-vile unseen spiritual entities orchestrating it all. For instance the 'genderless-world-order' plan. Ultimately this is no scheme of men but of devils - who have a definite reason for it - which is they seek to possess mankind.*  So, keeping these things always in mind... "be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves"  [Matt. 10:16]. For review:
Video from a hearing in the German Parliament June 2016. Speaker is opposing the passage of a 'choose-your-gender' bill but would first make fully evident exactly how ludicrous the entire 'genderless-world' agenda is - by addressing all 'concerned parties'. Note about halfway through they don't want to have to hear anymore and try to stop him - to no avail. Full description below:

60 different Genders - Leftist LGBTTQQ-Proposal ridiculed by AfD Politician in German Parliament


Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/qzbzDLZK350y/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


[Original YT quote:]  "Published on Jun 10, 2016 --  "  AfD politician Steffen Königer ridiculed the Greens in the Brandenburg Parliament for their proposal of a "Campaign for Acceptance of Gender and Sexual diversity, Self-Determination and against Homo and Trans*-phobia in Brandenburg" as well as "Giving equal rights and societal equality for LGBTTQQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans, Two-spirit, Queer, Questioning) people in Brandenburg" by quoting 60 of the Genders considered by Leftists to be actual identities - they're straight from Facebook's Gender option list. He finished his introduction of almost 3 minutes by stating that his party rejects the proposal"

Original post 1-23-17

* Compare: Nephilim - 'Human Power-Elite' Alliance To Complete Earth Takeover By 2025 -- 'They Live' 1988; Eph. 6:12  ['cult-classic' movie]


Rev. 18:4


Believer...What Has First Place In The Morning? - Earthly Cares Or The Things Of The LORD? Psalms 5:3

'My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up' (Psalms 5:3)

"I will direct my prayer’ as an arrow, and after that, 'I will look up,' to see if it has hit. When the prayer is directed in the morning, the 'look up' lasts all day" - Charles Stanford

There are many early risers mentioned in the Bible. These men of God found solutions to life’s problems by directing their prayers to the LORD, who would hear and assist them in their endeavours for the day. Before the day began they received the confidence necessary to shoulder responsibilities.

Abraham rose early in the morning to stand before the Lord. (Genesis 19:27)
Jacob rose early in the morning, to worship the Lord. (Genesis 28:18)
Moses rose early to build an altar to God (Exodus 24:4) and
to meet God at Sinai. (Exodus 34:4)
Hannah and Elkanah rose early to worship God. (1 Samuel 1:19)
Job rose early to offer sacrifices. (Job 1:5)
David awakened early for prayer. (Psalm 119:147 & Psalm 57:8)
Hezekiah rose up early and gathered the rulers of the city and went up
to the house of the Lord. (2 Chronicles 29:20)
The Son of God rose early to go to a solitary place to pray. (Mark 1:35)

"The camel kneels at break of day, to have his guide pack his load,
Then rises up fresh to take the desert road.
So thou should’st kneel at morning’s dawn, that God may give thee daily care,
Assured that He no load too great will make thee bear"

(Author unknown; source: Bible Gems)

Numbers 11:9 'The Manna Fell Upon The Dew' - A Verse Of Holy Scripture For Believers Never To Forget

Manna in the wilderness. Students of their bibles know the story. Most non-students of the bible have heard it also. After passing through the Red Sea the children of Israel spent the next forty years wandering in the wilderness before entering Canaan. Throughout this entire period of their history the LORD God fed them miraculously each day with "manna", bread rained from heaven [Exodus 16:4,15,35]. This is a picture, a type, for NT believers. For these called-out ones, this world is a wilderness, and they too have only one possible source of sustenance while passing through it [1John 2:16-17], namely the antitype of the manna, the true bread from heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ [John 6:51]. On this topic, below is an excerpted portion of a C.H. Mackintosh (1820-1896) commentary on Exodus in which he brings out something very profound about this "manna" that all would do well to take to heart - that is that it fell not upon the earth but 'fell upon the dew':
Numbers 11:9 'And when the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the manna fell upon it'

The manna was so pure and delicate that it could not bear contact with earth. It fell upon the dew [Num. 11:9], and had to be gathered ere the sun was up. Each one, therefore, had to rise early and seek his daily portion. So it is with the people of God now. The heavenly manna must be gathered fresh every morning. Yesterdays manna will not do for today, nor today's for tomorrow. We must feed upon Christ every day, with fresh energy of the Spirit, else we shall cease to grow. Moreover, we must make Christ our primary object. We must seek Him "early," before "other things" have had time to take possession of our poor susceptible hearts. Many of us, alas! fail in this. We give Christ a secondary place, and the consequence is, we are left feeble and barren. The enemy, ever watchful, takes advantage of our excessive spiritual indolence to rob us of the blessedness and strength which flow from feeding upon Christ. The new life in the believer can only be nourished and sustained by Christ. "As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father; so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me." [John 6:57]

It is truly deplorable to find Christians seeking after the things of this world. It proves, very distinctly, that they are "loathing" the heavenly manna, and esteeming it "light bread" [Numbers 21:5].


Trouble Alert 10-11-24: Today is Jewish Yom Kippur i.e. Day Of Atonement - The Day They Do The 'Kol Nidre' Ritual To License All Manner Of Evil By 'Pre-Repentance'

[Below is excerpted - see full post at link]  Today 10-11-24 the strange ritual called Kol Nidre being done by Talmud practicing Jews worldwide:
Yom Kippur or 'Day of Atonement' comes from the Old Testament Mosaic Law. On this day, once a year only, the Jewish high priest was permitted to enter the holy place within the Jewish temple where the ark of the covenant was kept, to there offer the blood of a sacrifice for all the congregation for the year past. Essentially this was to be an overall 'atonement', or covering, as it were, for any defilements or sins, etc. that had been overlooked or missed by the regular daily and other normal sacrificial offerings done throughout the year where they would have been atoned for (Leviticus 16). That was then. Judaism now, as some know, has long ago exchanged the Bible for the Talmud and Kabbalah and is thoroughly apostate, although still holding to an outward form. Part of that outward form still held to is the yearly Day of Atonement ceremony - which for many centuries now has been performed with the addition of a remarkable twist called the "Kol Nidre":

Kol Nidre (also known as Kol Nidrey or Kol Nidrei) is an Aramaic declaration recited in the synagogue before the beginning of the evening service on every Yom Kippur ("Day of Atonement"). Its name is taken from the opening words, meaning "all vows". Before sunset on the eve of Yom Kippur ("Day of Atonement"), the congregation gathers in the synagogue. The cantor then chants the passage beginning with the words Kol Nidre with its touching melodic phrases...
What is not exactly clear in the above quote from Wikipedia about the Talmudic Jewish 'Kol Nidre' ritual is that this prayer/chant is meant to cover the coming year, not the year past. This is the new twist given to the new 'Talmudic Jewish Day of Atonement'. It is actually "pre-repentance" and is said to last the entire year. This then gives the Jew license to do all manner of evil throughout the year for he is now absolved beforehand. Jews have been practicing this ritual every year for centuries. On these things an excerpt from the book 'ANTI-SEMITISM And The Babylonian Connection' by Des Griffin...

According to Jewish author, Samuel Roth, "The Jewish Prayer Book lists the following sins specifically, as amongst those which are unconditionally forgiven the Jew on Yom Kippur:
read full >>

Rev. 18:4


Hurricane Helene Milton MSM-Fictional 'New Category' Super-Destructo Storms - With Geoengineered Agenda 21 Man-Made Storm Surges (And Other Methods) - They Just Did It Again --- Relocate To The 15-Min Cities Useless Eaters

So-called 'Hurricane Helene' seasonal storm turned into new-category 'ultra climate-change mega monster' by same-as-always ridiculous fake over-the-top msm-hype propaganda - including lots of wild and crazy looking fake cgi's supposedly showing these supposed new-breed-hurricanes doing all sorts of impossible things - pop-up out of nowhere, speed up, slow down, stall, turn right, turn left - go any which way at any time, get massively bigger like go from a cat 1 to a cat 5 (or even now the new cat in town a '6' you are supposed to believe) in the blink of an all-seeing-eye - to provide the explanation for planned geoengineered destruction.. like opening dams, reservoirs, levees, etc. to create flooding-on-demand of target areas, and man-made supposed storm surges (and turning off power for entire regions) .. yep they just did it again -- relocate to the 15-min cities everybody Agenda 21 you are watching it; "Storm Surges" Man Made 2022:

Repost from 10-10-22:

'Storm Surges' Man Made - Agenda 21 Relocate Get Off The Coasts Useless Eaters [Vid]

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/FvtAoupdIuOp/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


see full post: 'Storm Surges' Man Made: Hurricanes Are Surface Winds - Surface Winds Cannot Displace Water; Ian - Dor[ian] Tsunami 'Storm Surge' Bombs Sept. 2022, 2019 10-4-22

Rev. 18:4
