1. Invasion of the Godmen [4:30]
2. Yoga & Meditation: The Great Escape [26:50]
3. The East Converts The West [52:30]
4. The Deterioration of Christianity [1:14:45]
Video link [on blog]: GODS OF THE NEW AGE
Tom, are you familiar at all with something called "The Bible Project"? I have just become aware of it, and already it is raising red flags for me. Their newest video, "The significance of the city in the Bible and God's plan for it," is very concerning, and it reminds me of some of the things you have warned about on here. So just wondering if you have any knowledge of it that you could share with me as I am investigating it presently. Thanks for any assistance you can offer. It may even have a Jewish influence in it, or it appears to have.
Oh, while I am on that subject, I used to use a site called "gotquestions.org" to answer some questions I have had, but lately it seems to have shifted (changed directions) and it also appears to have a Jewish influence now. I am seeing more and more of this Jewish influence in Christianity, as a whole (not true biblical Christianity, but in what is being presented as biblical Christianity). So, any input you can offer would be appreciated. Sincerely, Sue Love
Have to say, "The Bible Project" is some of the most distorted (supposed) bible-teaching i've ever come across. It is presented as basically trying to 'simplify' the 'difficult doctrines' of the bible for easier understanding - but the reality is that as they do this they actually distort and twist the truths of scripture (purposefully). How they do it is very subtil - they use shades of meaning and slight redefining of things which those who do not know the scriptures for themselves will not likely detect (which probably describes most of the professing church today). Don't know that I've ever used this word before to describe any false teachers, but the truth is the only word that comes to mind to describe the Bible Project and how masterfully they distort and twist the truths of scripture is diabolical. It really is masterful how they do it. For the most part they present everything as orthodox then proceed to reinterpret the actual meaning with a little twist here and a little twist there to where even a sharp listener almost won't notice if not listening very carefully. And listening to their material - the more they go on they always keep throwing one more thing in there, and it just keeps getting worse.
Not going to take the time to cite any specific quotations here, but to sum it up one of the main objectives evident is the denial of the doctrine of the trinity - although they 'seem' to teach it - as explained above presenting it in orthodox fashion - but then change the interpretation: They relegate the 'Holy Spirit' (their usage - instead of the correct name of God the Holy Ghost) to essentially a 'power', and then consistently erode the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. Very subtil all of it. As you mention also - there is a judaizing influence through the whole thing. No question really that that influence is the source for the denial of the trinity. The driving purpose even of the whole 'bible project'. They hate the trinity - they hate the Lord Jesus Christ [1 John 2:22].
So your red flags about "Bible Project' are correct. Your assessment of the judaizing influence in 'Christianity as a whole' is accurate also. The reality is at this point in history it is now virtually entire - like leaven [Luke 12:1].
Tom, thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I agree with you about "The Bible Project" and what they are doing and regarding their motivation for why they are doing what they are doing. I agree with it being "diabolical." And I agree with you about the judaizing influence in Christianity, as a whole, sadly so. I am seeing this in so many different things these days, which includes the diluting and altering of the character of God - Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Ghost - and of the gospel of our salvation. But I am also seeing so many whose eyes are blinded to this reality. It breaks my heart to see this. Sue Love
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