
Florida Condo Owners Losing Properties Via New Law Requiring Expensive Building Upgrades Resulting From Miami Surfside Condo Implosion-Collapse June 2021

Florida Condo Owners Dump Units Over Six-Figure Special Assessments

After the collapse of a Surfside Building on June 24, 2021.. the state passed a structural safety law that is now biting owners .. Not only are insurance rates soaring, but owners are hit with huge special assessments topping $100,000.

Under the new law, buildings must pass milestone structural inspections no later than 30 years after they are built. In Miami, about 38% of the housing stock is condos.. Of those buildings, nearly three-quarters are at least 30 years old. For those that have large repairs looming, many owners are scrambling to sell before Jan. 1 when building reserves must be fully funded to be in compliance with the law .. Owners are struggling to find all-cash buyers because mortgage lenders are increasingly unwilling to take on the risk associated with these units. “It’s not the buyers that aren’t qualifying,” said Craig Studnicky, chief executive at ISG World. “It’s the buildings that aren’t qualifying.”

Those who cannot sell and don’t have the special assessment, will be evicted and their units seized for whatever the Associations can get for them. “I think this is just the beginning,” said Greg Main-Baillie, an executive managing director at real-estate firm Colliers..

Some are worried developers may already be purchasing condos in the building for a potential takeover, where a developer tries to gain control of a building to knock it down and build a newer, more luxurious one. These condo terminations are happening up and down the state’s coastline. While the rules can vary by building, if enough people vote to sell their units, the others have to follow along.


Above post is excerpted. Full length article at link. Very briefly what the article reveals is the diabolical end game now being played out in Florida as the result of the sudden nonsensical collapse of the Miami Surfside Condo building in June 2021. Most will remember the event. Original June 2021 post below with actual video of the collapse showing very clearly the building coming down by means of a very precise controlled demolition i.e. implosion. As a result of that event, fast forward to now May 2024, a new-law essentially driving people off their properties has been put in place. Based on the June 2021 claimed "climate-change caused collapse" of the Miami Surfside Condo, this new law is requiring all buildings over thirty years old to undergo new 'structural inspections' to determine their safety. As a result Condo associations are being required to assess the costs to bring their buildings in compliace and collect the funds from individual condo owners. Reports are that individual owners are receiving assesments for their individual condo units upwards of 100k.

Additionally, as reported insurers and lenders are backing off [see: CA] because the buildings are now deemed "unsafe'. Uninsurable condos means owners that cannot afford their assessment have to sell to cash buyers only, but with the looming assessments buyers are few and the bottom has dropped out on prices. Reportedly developers are swooping in to grab it all up for pennies on the dollar, including forcing the sale of entire buildings. All of this has current owners losing on every side. Just the beginning.. says the real estate expert quoted in article. Driving the 'common people' off the coastlines - it is pure Agenda 21 - doing it just like this. Knock down a condo. Blame it on make-believe climate change. Make a new law. Force poeple out. Absolutely diabolical. You are there 2024.


Original post on Miami Surfside Condo controlled demo/building collapse event blamed on "sea level rise/climate change" [excerpted]:

https://anothervoicerev184.blogspot.com/2024/05/florida-condo-owners-losing-properties.html#moreMiami Condo Collapse Because Of 'Sea Level Rise' Says NWO -- Agenda 21 Move Off Coasts Sheeple Too Obvious [Vid] 6-25-21  "re: "wakeup call for coastal developments... habitability of much of South Florida will be put in question" .. It's too obvious. Way too obvious. What is too obvious? Answer: How that a beachfront condo in Miami, Florida mysteriously collapses with no warning... and the conversation immediately turns to [fake] "climate change and sea level rise" as the cause -- which means that the incident plays perfectly into the known Agenda 21 goal of clearing coastal regions of human populations.."

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/3cRYWXXrAQw2/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


Textbook perfect implosion plain as can be - building instantaneously broken into pieces as it collapses into it's own footprint - nice and neat at free-fall speed (no pancakes here) - both parts gone in 15 seconds total

100% Agenda 21 - move off the coasts sheeple - fake sea-level rising it's too dangerous - go to the sustainable cities and hurry up

Perfect collapse into it's own footprint...it's a mystery says ZNWO - but could be "sea level rise"
Compare: New Federal 'Climate Report' Says Coastal Communities To Be 'Relocated' Inland - A21 Geo-Attack End-Game Now Seen 11-24-18

Rev. 18:4
Isaiah 5:8 'Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!'   [zionism]

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