"Israel's Knesset approves a bill, which punishes the denial or 'downplaying' of the Israeli narrative of Oct 7 by up to 5 years in prison," the Palestinian Quds News Network reported.
The bill approved by Yisrael Beytenu MK Oded Forer prohibits the denial of the October 7 massacre. According to the proposal, anyone who publishes, in writing or orally, things that deny the massacre or downplays it or publishes praise, sympathy, or identification with the actions committed by Hamas in the events of that day - will be sentenced to five years in prison.
The Times of Israel last week ran a piece arguing that questioning Israel's narratives on Oct 7 is a form of "Holocaust denial" and insisting that Big Tech should do more to censor such "unacceptable" speech:
No doubt they want to use this law to jail journalists from Haaretz and other Israeli news organizations which debunked much of the atrocity propaganda Israel put out after Oct 7.
Zionists have pushed for similar speech restrictions in America. University of Pennsylvania law professor Claire Finkelstein wrote a column in the Washington Post last month demanding America scrap the First Amendment to protect the feelings of pampered Jewish Ivy League college students.
Above post a follow up on: [10-26-23] 2018 Flashback Israel Formally Declares 'The Land For Jews Only' - 2023 Destroying Gaza Is Beginning The Process; It Is Zionism 2023 Israel destroying Gaza - calling it a war - wiping out the infrastructure, etc. - to make the area unlivable; the reason - that 'The Land' be for "Jewish people only" [as seen (stated officially) *article @ post]. -- No Palestinians allowed 'in Israel' - or any Arabs for that matter. Jews only - got it? Note: Just for the record - Palestinians and other Arabs are semitic peoples. Very clearly, and it's undeniable, as these current events prove, Jews are radically "anti-semitic" --- Israel officially declared their Jews-only policy in 2018 [see post] - 2023 Gaza the process to make it happen [completely] now underway. It has begun. To then control and rule all the earth and setup a 'worldwide jewish-kingdom' .. complete with false messiah i.e. the biblical Antichrist as their 'king' [link1; link2] - that's next on the to-do list.. (see full post @ link). Be informed..
What to do when you concoct a fake war to takeover land and the official-narrative is so obviously false that everyone knows it..? The answer to that question now plain to see..
They do have big plans after all.. [see post, follow links]
Rev. 18:4
Habakkuk 2:12 'Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity!'
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