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Update On 2-17-23 SCOTUS Meeting To Rehear 'Stolen Election 2020' The Result: "Rehearing Denied"
Update on: SCOTUS To Meet 2-17-23 Reconsider Hearing 'Stolen Election 2020'; And Fake 'China WWIII Narrative' 2-15-23 "The Supreme Court is set to reconsider whether to hear a lawsuit alleging President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former Vice President Mike Pence, 291 House members, and 94 senators violated their oaths of office by refusing to investigate evidence of fraud in the 2020 election before certifying Biden as the victor on Jan. 6, 2021, allowing for Biden and Harris to be "fraudulently" inaugurated.. -- Stolen Election 2020 next scene: SCOTUS to meet in "private conference" 2-17-23 to decide on taking it on. Huge development if doing so [4 of 9] turns out to be the next scene in the still-going blockbuster SE2020 script..
And the answer is [2-21-23].. to absolutely no one's shock or surprise - Denied:
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Conclusion: Very simple - it's still there, can still do something with it at anytime if they want, but, not the next scene in the script. The script for dismantling the USA. That script is unchanged. Stay tuned for the next scene whatever it is - it won't take long.. the pages are turning quicker than ever these days.. Rev. 18:4
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