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Flashback 2018: New Federal 'Climate Report' Says Coastal Communities Must Relocate Inland Because Of Fake 'Sea Level Rise' [A21 Geo-Attack End Game]
Follow up on: Why 'Hurricane Matthew' Unprecedented "Storm Surge" Hype? Man-Made Storm Surges For Agenda 21 Goals? 10-7-16 "Real or an MSM virtual storm (existing on the tv-screen only) - that fizzles out at the last moment into a normal seasonal-type storm ...although massive destruction still occurs ...which means that the destruction must be actually geoengineered i.e. man-made [see vid below] ...for example opening dams reservoirs etc. for controlled flooding of targeted areas that sort of thing ... [or] man-made mini-tsunamis - which the MSM fiction-writers have scientifically-termed "storm surges" (even though such a thing is not possible) ... Cui bono? Most interesting thing about all this is that inundated coastlines, it just so happens, are very Agenda 21 helpful..." [coastal living is Agenda 21 prohibited - these areas must be cleared] - see post
Fourth National Climate Assessment Released 11-23-18
- A Massive Push Forward Of The 'Climate-Change' Hoax Agenda 21 Totalitarian Implementation Scheme
- Fourth National Climate Assessment Volume II - what it is:
What’s New in the Latest U.S. Climate Assessment
[NY Times] WASHINGTON — Global warming is now affecting the United States more than ever, and the risks of future disasters — from flooding along the coasts to crop failures in the Midwest — could pose a profound threat to Americans’ well-being. ...That’s the gist of Volume Two of the latest National Climate Assessment, a 1,656-page report issued on Friday [11-23-18] that explores both the current and future impacts of climate change. The scientific report, which comes out every four years as mandated by Congress, was produced by 13 federal agencies and released by the Trump administration.
- What does it state? -"Climate change" means entire communities must be relocated - i.e. "mass migration" of millions:
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