The La Soufriere volcano on the eastern Caribbean island of has erupted after more than 16,000 residents were evacuated by the local government, following increased volcanic activity. Dramatic footage shared online shows the volcano's enormous ash plumes, which have risen as high as 10 kilometers and travelled around six kilometers east from the island, according to the National Emergency Management Organisation.
The explosive eruption of St. Vincent's only 'live' volcano – its first since 1979 – comes after a lava dome began developing at the site in December 2020... The UWI has said that the explosive eruption is likely to continue for "days and possibly weeks" and has warned other blasts may occur.
This St. Vincent post/event related to below video/post originally posted 5-26-18:
Kilauea 'Eruption' Foretold In 4-26-18 Geico Commercial 'Evil Villains' Drilling Into Geothermal - Smoking Volcano; A21 "New Geico commercial released April 26, 2018 - one week before the Kilauea [sudden volcanic eruption] began [5-4-18] - with this blatant hidden-in-plain-sight admission -- [:32] "as long as evil villains reveal their plans..." ... [and :42 'hacking the earth's geothermal'] it's as easy as "choosing the right drill bit" [see post, many related links]:
<iframe src="" width="550" height="309"</iframe>
Events that cause mass-evacuations of geographic regions, like what is now happening on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent, always benefit the Agenda 21 population relocation plan. Dams that mysteriously start leaking or break, smart 'forest fires' that dissolve communities into white ash but not the forests, tsunamis that clear coastlines in a moment (the future?), and more... even volcanos - can all be geoengineered. There is no question about it.
Cui bono? Evil villians that want to take ownership of the planet to themselves (including especially island paradise locations like the Caribbean or Bahamas [see: 'Hurricane Dorian']) and relocate all the peoples of the world into '5g sustainable smart cities' [link] for totalitarian control is the answer to that question...
Rev. 18:4
Rev. 11:17,18 'We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty which art, and wast, and art to come...[for thou shalt]...destroy them which destroy the earth'
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