SABINE PASS, Texas — Hurricane Laura is expected to be an "extremely powerful Category 4 hurricane" with "unsurvivable storm surge" of up to 20 feet and 145-mph winds when it reaches the Gulf Coast on Wednesday night and early Thursday [8-27-20], the hurricane center said.
“It looks like it’s in full beast mode**,” said University of Miami hurricane researcher Brian McNoldy.
Storm surge could reach as far as 30 miles inland from the immediate coastline, the hurricane center added. "Actions to protect life and property should be rushed to completion as water levels will begin to rise later today."
'Dorian' Bahamas 2019 - vidlink
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Dorian Bahamas 2019 was a highly anomalous entity - this is undeniable. Nothing about it made sense. A routine storm made into a cgi tv-only 'virtual storm'** without question would explain everything about what the world witnessed over the week or so duration of the event.
When it was all over the poor sections of the Bahamas were wiped out and the Bahamas were fully ready for nwo Agenda21 rebuild - which is how they always do it the new order can only rise from the destruction of the old - they call that the phoenix rising from the ashes...