Quoted from: "Another Gospel: Which Is Not Another" Gal. 1:6-12 (A.T. Pierson; written 1900):
"There is a conflict ahead, and it is alike irrepressible and irreconcilable, and may as well be recognized as such. There are some believers that cannot and will not relinquish their faith in the eternal verities and certainties of the Word of God, in which they have been instructed. They know of whom they have learned them, and that Teacher is God Himself. Moreover, it has pleased God to reveal Christ in them, as well as to them, and they have the witness in themselves that the Word of God is an inspired and infallible guide in doctrine and duty. It has proved itself the Word of God, and all its utterances true, “as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times,” that is, proven by the seven-fold test of varied earthly or human experience (Psalms 12:6)."
Crossless Christianity [full text]: Another Gospel by A.T. Pierson
also Audio-vid w/scrolling text: Another Gospel; ATP 1900 [complete]
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