[excerpted] America’s first lounge to allow consuming cannabis opens on Monday [9-30-19] in West Hollywood. It’s called the Lowell Cafe, and brings a bit of Amsterdam to the U.S. with a fancy name.
For the first time in the country, customers will legally be able to order pot as if it were a bottle of wine -- and that in fact is the upscale analogue its owners are aiming for. The pot can be smoked in pre-rolled joints or vaped -- even as the industry is grappling with a spike in lung damage and deaths linked to vaping.
“Cannabis consumers have always been relegated to getting their cannabis in a plastic bag while you can go to a dinner party with a beautiful bottle of wine,” [said] David Elias, co-founder of Los Angeles-based Lowell Herb Co., the cafe’s owner. “People want to smoke a joint with their friends in a cafe like they can over a beer -- not in the alley or in their car.”
“If this is a successful model, maybe it could be replicated across the country,” said Bethany Gomez, director of research at Brightfield Group, a cannabis market research group.
...[it is] the first of eight cafes set to open in West Hollywood.
This post related to this very recent Mexican 'first': Mexico Legalizes Cocaine -- Drugging The World Like Animals The Plan Is On ZWO 8-21-19 "Drug 'em and enslave 'em. Plain to see as can be. Be neither. The hour is later and later..." -- Casting a spell on the entire planet. There is no plan 'b'. Be not bewitched..."
see all: drug the world agenda
Rev. 18:4
2Tim. 3:13-14 'But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of...'
1 comment :
Alcohol, drugs and anti-depressants...that's how they are going to get the sheeple to accept the coming beast system and antichrist. Their minds must altered so that many do not wake up to the reality of this coming nightmare.
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