May 9, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) -- Twenty-three of Major League Baseball’s 30 teams are slated to host LGBT “pride nights” in 2018, leaving just two teams that have never officially celebrated homosexuality.
Most of the events are slated to occur in June, reported, to coincide with LGBT Pride Month.
Teams who have previously held pride nights but have not yet announced plans to do so in 2018 include the Houston Astros, Texas Rangers, Cleveland Indians, and Detroit Tigers.
Many of these events feature massive rainbow flags unfurled on the field, offer rainbow-themed baseball merchandise, promote LGBT community groups, and invite homosexual and transgender individuals to throw out the first pitch before the game.
Pride nights have also come under fire for exposing children to same-sex kisses via stadium “kiss cams.”
The New York Yankees and Los Angeles Angels are the only two teams who have never offered a pride night. The Yankees have said they prefer not to do themed nights of any kind, but have supported “organizations that assist lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youths.” The Angels haven’t publicly addressed the matter, but do offer “pride”-themed T-shirts... Regardless, pro-homosexual advocates have bitterly attacked both teams...
Above is further fulfillment of what was officially set in motion back in August 2016:
Pro Sports Absolutely Done: Every Major League Pledges Allegiance To LGBT At 8-9-16 Conference [8-8-16] "Dark Reality 2016: It's over, done, gone. See the picture above [see post]. See who exactly are the "founding supporters"? Got to let it go. To hang on is to accept the "agenda". The agenda essentially is to mentally "sodomize" the multitudes of diehard sports fans across the globe... Knowing that the massive fan-base of the pro sports leagues will not soon give up their favorite pastime, they know that most will just go with it, which means get used to it, which means accept it. Don't be a victim of the plan. Do not be mentally 'victimized' by hanging on to something intended to defile the user. And that is exactly what "Pro Sports" is now intended to accomplish. For real. Be warned..." [see post]
Compare - and this just a small sample of the 'sodomizing' indoctrination Pro Sports are now perpetrating upon 'fandom':
NFL: LA Rams To Have Male Cheerleaders Dance Same As Women 2018 Squad 3-29-18
MLB: Pro Sports Gone Gay 1st-Ever: St. Louis Cardinals To Have 'Transgender' Throw 1st Pitch 'Pride Night' 8-25-17
NHL: NHL Teams To Have 'Gay Ambassadors' In Case Players 'Need Support' - Ban Fighting, Sell Rainbow-Tape 2-6-17
US Soccer: US Soccer Forcing LGBT On World Wearing Rainbow 'Pride' Jerseys June 2017 ('Pride' Month)
It is at the point now, already has been for a while, that it is not possible to separate the sport from the homosexual indoctrination that it now comes wrapped in. Finding the door...and not looking the only answer. 2018
To stay is to say okay to the way of the 'gay'...which way is absolutely not okay...never has been, never will be, never can be, and btw, "gay" is the wrong word...the right word is sodomy [Eph. 5:11-12].
Rev. 18:4
1Kings 14:24 'And there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel'
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