Conjuring The 'Don'-ing Of The New Order, Burning the Old Order To Ashes - 2017 You Were There
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2017 - conjuring up the 777 ordo-ab-chao destruction of the old-order to rise the new from the ashes |
1. More Bad To Worse: Now It's Maybelline - New Ad Campaign To Have 1st-Ever Male 'Coverboy' 1-5-17 "'After decades of limiting makeup ads to women, beauty brands are finally getting the hint that makeup isn't just for girls; it's for guys too' -- The global gendercide agenda on full display...and seen clearly for exactly what it is - an utterly perverse absolute-distortion of reality. The total effeminization of all boys and men ala Bruce Jenner and the complete elimination of the specific species of 'alpha male' is the only goal...which is a must in order to subdue the human race for servitude, as planned..."
2. Inauguration Day 1-20-17 'Dawn' Trump-Card Has Been Played: Obama 666 Months Old, Trump 70 Yrs. 7 Months 7 Days (777) - The Bewitching Hour 1-20-17 "'On this day when Obama goes out, and Trump goes in - Trump's birth date to his inauguration day as president of the USA gives an exact '777', while on that same day as Obama exits his birth date to that day gives an exact '666'...' -- the unprecedented x-rated ordo-ab-chao script of 'Election 2016' finally comes to a close - after at least 18 months now of purposed pathetic-plot-twisting torment directed at the sensibilities of John Q. Public. And do not expect for a minute that because all that is over things may now settle down to some degree of normalcy. Not a chance. Reality says it can only get worse. Hand-picked from way-back 777 Trump is only there to preside over the next 'bewitching' phase of the would-be novus-ordo-seclorum Antichrist Zio-kingdom-come 'trans'-formation of the earth and it's people. In their mind this is actually the 'dawn' [as in playing the 'Don' trump-card] of it. Trump-card a declaration of game over done deal. And also fitting as Trump being the king deal-maker. Do not forget the reality for a second from here forward. Numerology is witchcraft and sorcery..."
3. Melania Trump Blue Inaugural Dress Matches Harry Potter, Hunger Games Dresses -- Hidden In Plain Sight 1-21-17 "Just as impossible as Trump's inaugural-speech being some sort of coincidence, so Melania Trump's 'magical' dual-message dress signaling Harry Potter wizardry while at the same time insinuating "Hunger Games" could also be only by 'design' ...Quote left image: "I'm pretty sure Melania Trump is preparing to enter the Tri-Wizard Tournament instead of the White House" (from Harry Potter movie) ... Quote right image: "she bore a resemblance to Hunger Games President Alma Coin..."
4. Oroville Dam A Scam? '77' Numerology And Agenda 21 Wildlands Map All Over It 2-14-17 "What should be thought when supposed-to-be naturally occurring events fit perfectly known global agendas, and, also have the usual 'too-unusual' kabala-numerology attached to them? The Oroville Dam event fits the bill on both counts...First thing, glaringly actually, is the height of Oroville Dam - the tallest dam in the USA - 770 feet... Numerology aside, the second thing that jumps out immediately is the fact that the lake that Oroville Dam is holding back just so happen to be man made. This is a huge no-no with regard to the global agenda known as Agenda 21. The very true fact of the matter is that eventually all such man-made obstructions to the natural order are slated to be removed. This is the reality of the A21 global-scheme... Oroville Dam a scam? Kabala-numerology and Agenda 21 - got both all over it. Everything scripted
5. AMD Ryzen, Vega, Wraith - Message In The Names: Rise Of The 'Fallen Star', Man Becoming God - The 'Singularity' 3-26-17 "'And the serpent said ...ye shall be as gods' - Genesis 3:4-5 -- Man who would be god. It is called the 'original lie'. Man believed it then, in the beginning - from the first hiss of the serpent - and they still believe it today. Perhaps more than ever today. So much so that they are convinced that the realization of the dream is now, through advancing modern technology, right at their very fingertips. This new 'Techno-Theology' has a name and well known high priests also. The name of it for those who've not heard of this before is "The Singularity -- "Well… though the idea might have started as science fiction, companies like Kernel are making it very real. And once they do, we’ll have robust brain-computer interfaces, and we’ll be able to fix and augment ourselves. Ultimately this will also allow us to merge with AIs and become something more than just human...This is so significant that it will change us as a species' ... [AMD] Ryzen, Vega, Wraith. The names tell the same story [ry-zen to god-hood] ...Immortality through technology would then just be the con ...possession by 'wraith-devils' the real intent [see: 666].
[Note on 'artificial intelligence' aka AI: 2017 the AI push has gone mainstream in a huge way. It is a hoax, a lie, a psyop. Technology does not have 'life' - never will; 'life' cannot create itself - never will; technology can never become "self aware" - self aware requires life; man cannot create 'life' - never will; life requires a soul; The soul comes only by 'the breath of God' [Gen. 2:7] - or - as described in the NT as being 'lighted' by the Lord Jesus Christ [John 1:1-5,9] -- So-called 'AI' is a setup to get people to think they are interacting with technology...but in reality what it will turn out to be is interacting with, and eventually being possessed by, devils/demons - i.e. getting '666-ed' -- sex-bots especially included.]