You will not be persecuted for holding gospel truths in the head; but for having grace in your heart; for the former will not cause you to differ from the world.
When the fruits of the Spirit manifest themselves in your life; when you are blind to your own interest in this world; when you are deaf to the advice of the worldly-wise, then it will be said of you, "He is a changed man; he is a fool!"
Now, my dear brother, be assured of this, as God works in your dark soul, such changes as these will be caused; so that instead of panting after the riches of this world, you will pant after the unsearchable riches of Christ! [Eph. 3:8]
'Human nature' cannot and will not make great sacrifices [Rom. 8:7]; but as you have a knowledge given to you by the Spirit of the exceeding great and precious promises [2Pet. 1:4] laid up in Christ for God's chosen few (Mt. 22:14; Jn 15:16), you will be led to see the nothingness and vanity of all things here below [1John 2:16-17], and you will with joy cry out, "We have a kingdom which cannot be moved!" [Heb 12:28]
God, by His Spirit, quickens, and He alone can enable you to separate from your old companions and the world, and so make great sacrifices for Christ's sake, who has died that you might live [1Thes. 5:10]; who became poor that you through His poverty might be made rich! [2Cor. 8:9] William Tiptaft [1803 - 1864]
Rev. 18:4
The 12th chapter of Hebrews begins with an exhortation for believers to turn from besetting sins and to run with patience the race set before them, reminding them of that "great cloud of witnesses" listed in the 11th chapter - the many faithful saints who had gone before yet whose lives were still 'witnessing' long after having departed this earthly scene. William Tiptaft belongs in this class. He has gone before us today, and his life still witnesseth. [Heb. 12:1]
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