The life-size ark replica is just the beginning of what is planned. The "Ark Encounter Theme Park" is a big money, big business enterprise, and there are big plans for it as revealed in this next video:
Ken Ham Gives Overview of Ark Encounter with Latest Video Footage
[1:10] Ham: "I truly believe it will be one of the greatest evangelistic outreaches of our era..."
[2:20] Ham: "...other than the cross, we believe that the ark of Noah is the greatest reminder of the message of's a picture of Christ our door"
[not an endorsement of the 'Theme Park' or NKJV (Neutered-King-James-Version) - video 2:12)]
A few brief comments on the above two statements quoted from the above video. First, on the statement [2:20] "other than the cross". This statement is an ark-sized problem: There is no "other than" message of salvation 'other than' the cross...and the blood of Christ Jesus shed on that cross. No one can ever 'be saved' by any other message than the blood of the cross of Christ. Including especially the message to be presented by the Noah Theme Park, as clearly stated by founder Ken Ham, of 'preaching the ark', as it were, and the door of the ark, as a type of 'Christ our door'...[2:20 video]
As the Word of God informs all who have ears to hear, it is the preaching of the cross only that brings "the power of God":
1Corinthians 1:17-18 'For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God'
The Spirit of God alone, by his power alone, worketh salvation, and that, always and only, by the preaching of the cross alone. Wisdom of words will be of none effect, nor will elaborate bible themed evangelistic outreaches with giant props like full scale arks with replica animals, Tower of Babels, walled city Jerusalem replicas, zip lines, gift stores, $40 tickets, and so on.
The "door of the ark" is not the "gospel of Christ" but is a misdirect and the preaching of it can only result in exactly what the apostle Paul wrote about back in the first century AD, namely making "the cross of Christ of none effect" [1Cor. 1:17].
For the record, these are general observations on the overall notion of Noah's Ark Theme Park being "one of the greatest evangelistic outreaches of our era"...and the plain reality that no such thing is possible apart from the true gospel message of the blood of the cross of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Nevermind that though, for one, there are tickets to sell and the blood just does not sell tickets.
One more very curious thing about this whole undertaking. Is it not strange that the Noah Park has been built by a man named Ham. Bible students will recognize instantly the name as being the same name as one of Noah's three sons:
Gen. 9:18,22: 'And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan...And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without...'
The very curious thing about this, again as bible students will know, is that Ham is most known for a strange incident in which in he violated his father Noah, as told in the verse of scripture quoted directly above - Gen. 9:22. Ham also had a son named Canaan who, while nothing is said, was cursed by Noah after this incident [Gen. 9:24-25]. This son of Ham, Canaan, became the father of the Canaanite races...all the "ites" [Gen. 10:15-18], that somehow, which the bible does not reveal, afterwards some of which became the 'giants' [Num. 13:17,33]. Which then leads into the topic of the corrupted bloodlines of the seed of the serpent...but that's another subject.
At any rate, what the world now has is a full size Noah's ark built by Ham "...the father of Canaan" [Gen. 9:22]...and a proclamation that the "voyage begins again".
What voyage would that be?
Rev. 18:4
Update: "What voyage... what voyage..." A quick addition here to the original post that had ended with that question: It is a thought on a possible answer to that question. It came as a result of a few comments in the thread for this post. While continuing on the very serious subject of the "message of the cross" having been exchanged for the "message of the door" - Gal. 1:8-9, the "what voyage" question came up as a result of a quotation from another article on the Noah Park opening. Excerpted from comment 12:
"Another quote this from an article from a few days ago on the park's opening giving some insight as to where this 'ship' may be headed as, quoting the Ark slogan, "The voyage begins again":
"...Ham also plans to build a replica of the Tower of Babel in the next few years to speak against prejudice and racism" source
Prejudice and racism are not gospel preaching items but are new-world-order agenda items. "Jesus" as "a door" could easily be a 'new-world-order' agenda item also. In fact, the Antichrist will no doubt one day present himself as "the door" to the 'new world'. Perhaps the "voyage" that the Ark Encounter is starting out on is intended to land in that new world just as Noah went from the old world to the new world. All aboard, just come on in "the door".
We'll have to wait on that one though. Whatever the case, the Ark-door gospel is a definite change of course, and definitely "another gospel". Danger." [see comments]
1Cor. 1:23-24 'But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God'
@:38 in the first video Ham says it is 3.3 million board feet. 33
And do I see a Phoenix bird in the last picture of the ARK logo? Look at the water waves.
...the opening date 7-7-16 also - it gives the triple 7
which of course is another very significant # kabalist-numerology-wise
not the least of which is that it can symbolize a Hebrew 666 - link
I'm curious, can you name even one Christian organization that you don't criticize?
...we're not playing at this
Crossless Christianity: Another Gospel: Which Is Not Another - A.T. Pierson; 1900
Luke 14:27
No, it's quite a serious and eternal matter. So how is Answers in Genesis presenting a "false gospel"?
Dear Tom,
Meat indeed. And may those with ears to hear, hear.
Is Ken Ham’s Noah’s Ark = Idolatry?
“Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.
"And the time of this ignorance God winked at; but now commented all men everywhere to repent:" Acts 17:29-30.
James 1:18 " Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be kind of first fruits of his creatures.”
In response to RedwoodTree (2nd comment above):
Exchanging the cross for a door is 'another gospel which is not another'.
The cross is an instrument of death. In Christianity for the believer the cross signifies the need for the death of the 'old man' i.e. the fallen Adamic nature. 'Adam' can never be 'fixed' - he must be put to death. This is not easy.
A door is no instrument of death. Any can come through 'a door' with no effect at all upon the 'old man'. 'Adam' gets to stay just as he is. This is very easy.
The first one to ever suggest bypassing the cross was Peter:
In Matthew 16:21-23 we read where the Lord Jesus begins to reveal that his path was leading to the cross. Peter thought it not necessary - and got a stern rebuke for suggesting it. The true source of this 'crossless-way' was also revealed:
'From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day'
Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.
But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men'
This Noah's ark gospel of just come through the door - this is another gospel which is not another.
Of which according to the Noah Park people millions per year will be exposed to. Nothing good about that.
Well, I don't share the same viewpoint. AIG is doing a solid job countering the tidal wave of "evolution" atheists, reinforcing that the flood was true and global, and preaching the correct gospel (Christ Crucified). I think you are on target most of the time but not on this one. Evolution is so indoctrinated in educational systems today it's drowning out all things Christisn. I'm glad they are trying to dent that tidal wave (probably pun intended) to show the Bible, the flood story, the ark, and it's feasibility are all real and not fiction. It's a small first step to many who have heard nothing their whole lives except evolution and that the Bible is false. . I wish them success and pray for them. I'd encourage you to do similarly. Should they state that the "ark" is the door to salvation, then I would object strongly.
RT, you said..."It's a small first step to many who have heard nothing their whole lives except evolution and that the Bible is false." I don't buy that for one minute...they watch TV, they watch movies, they listen to the radio, they read articles. These people have not lived in caves their entire lives. However, their denial and rejection has made them vulnerable to Satan's lies and deception AND ERROR. If they REALLY want truth, the Holy Spirit will lead them into all truth; it will not be via a theme park (Satan comes as an angel of light). Ken Hamm's theme park reminds me so much of Jim Bakers, Holy Land "experience." That is all it experience (and a cheap one at that). This theme park of Hamm's is nothing more than a money maker for him. I would be willing to bet that he is also exempt from paying taxes because it is "religion" based. A 501c3 perhaps????? Redwood Tree, please do not be deceived by this deception. Denial, ignorance and naivety will serve no one well in these last days. (Just you have some kind of vested/personal interested in this theme park?)
Do they (Ken Ham's amusement part) charge mammon to get into the park just like secular organizations, or is it a free will giving with a cheerful heart?
Organiztion....sounds like a Peter Drucker leadership type of word/work. Is the true body of born again believers really an organization, is that what Jesus, the only LORD and Savior is; an organization? Just wondering.
In response to Anon directly above:
re: "Do they (Ken Ham's amusement part) charge mammon to get into the park...?"
Answer: yes they do and it is not cheap. Below is a screen shot from the 'Ark' website showing what it would cost a family of four - mom dad and two kids - to get in. Note also parking not included. Add that, restaurants, gift shops, etc. you're probably talking a couple hundred for the 'encounter':
source: Ark tickets
Redwood (4th comment up),
Don't want to keep going over the same ground, back and forth back and forth, but a few things to respond
re: [wrong] "on this one"
First the subject here is not AIG and evolution which you bring up - the issue at question here is the "Ark Encounter" and the changing of the message of the cross for the "message of the door". Straight from the source is always best so here are a few excerpts from an article found on the AIG site, written by Ham, explaining the reason for shifting the message from 'the cross' to 'the door'.
"In 2007, Answers in Genesis opened the Creation Museum...where the saving message of the gospel and what Christ did on the Cross to pay the penalty for our sin is clearly presented...But other than the Cross, what is the greatest symbol of the salvation message? I believe the answer is the Ark of Noah. And why? Well, because of the message of the door!
With a massive ship that will grab the world’s attention, we can better reach a culture that has become numbed by modern distractions and the evolutionary worldview, a secularized culture that no longer pays attention to shallow salvation messages that fail to show how the gospel is rooted in real history.
Really, Noah’s Ark is a picture of Jesus. As Noah and his family had to go through a door to be saved, so we need to go through a “door”—and that “door” is Jesus.
...we will also have a place called the “Ark Door Theater.” After people have been challenged concerning the truth of Genesis’s historical record about the Ark and the global Flood, they will then be challenged concerning the truth of God’s Word about man’s sin, the need for salvation, and the “door” they may go in to be saved." source
To sum it up: We preached the cross since 2007, but the "culture" is now too numbed and secularized to be reached with "shallow salvation messages" so we came up with a new way and new message, which is to say, "the cross" is out and "the door" is in. The door the door the door. Note also after the Ark encounter people can go to the "Ark Door Theater" and learn about 'going in the door'.
Another quote this from an article from a few days ago on the park's opening giving some insight as to where this 'ship' may be headed as, quoting the Ark slogan, "The voyage begins again":
"...Ham also plans to build a replica of the Tower of Babel in the next few years to speak against prejudice and racism" source
Prejudice and rascism are not gospel preaching items but are new-world-order agenda items. "Jesus" as "a door" could easily be a 'new-world-order' agenda item also. In fact, the Antichrist will no doubt one day present himself as "the door" to the 'new world'. Perhaps the "voyage" that the Ark Encounter is starting out on is intended to land in that new world just as Noah went from the old world to the new world. All aboard, just come on in "the door".
We'll have to wait on that one though. Whatever the case, the Ark-door gospel is a definite change of course, and definitely "another gospel". Danger.
One more thing. Another gospel always comes with another spirit [2Cor. 11:4]. This was found on the AIG website also. Eye of Horus special - for you, only $19.99 (note - no way to explain this away):
photo belongs to above comment
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