New-World-Pope fake false prophet Francis [link] very recently [11-30-15] made global headlines by making the statement that "Catholics and Muslims are brothers and sisters" [link]. Shocking? Not so much. Below was originally posted 11-11-08, marking the occasion of the First Ever Catholic-Muslim Forum - led by the other Pope (Benedict), which resulted in an official declaration of Muslims and Catholics as having a common belief in the same 'God' and as being members of the "same family". The other other pope Francis recently declaring that Muslims and Catholics are "brothers and sisters", is then really nothing new. It is only the further progression of the long range plan intending to ultimately merge all world religions under the worship of the one 'universal god' [link] - i.e. none other than the biblical Antichrist [2Thes. 2:3-4; Rev. 13:8]. Catholic religion adherent take note. If you are on the bus, you go where the bus goes. Difficult to hear as it may be, coming out is the only answer - Rom. 10:9-10 ________________________________________________________
Pope At First Ever Catholic-Islam Forum: Agree As Family Of Same God
Forum followup of: One World Religion Building Catholic-Muslim Forum In November 10-17-08 " such dialogue could ever be possible if the Catholics were not willing to agree with the Muslims that they do in fact serve the same God."
Which is exactly what they did:
Pope Issues Statement Requiring Consensus
VATICAN CITY, NOV. 6, 2008 ( Catholics and Muslims must show the common belief that we are members of one family loved by God our Creator, and uphold the dignity of every human person, says Benedict XVI. The Pope affirmed this today when he received in audience the members of the newly formed Catholic-Muslim Forum at the conclusion of its three-day seminar.
"Let us resolve to overcome past prejudices and to correct the often distorted images of the other which even today can create difficulties in our relations; let us work with one another to educate all people, especially the young, to build a common future."
re: "must show the common belief"
The globalists cannot rule their global kingdom with infighting between the various factions! To successfully accomplish the required merging of the world's religions into the desired harmonious 'global-synthesis hybrid uni-faith' will require much "dialogue". As stated before, dialogue is only useful for one purpose, which is always to achieve a pre-determined outcome and does this by bringing the opposing groups into consensus. The method to accomplish this is simple and effective. Get everybody to give a little ground is the starting point, get everybody to agree on some basics e.g. 'same god'. Once that is done, the dialogue process is repeated continually and the group consensus is shifted a bit more with each cycle until the goal is achieved. This is called the "Hegelian dialectic" (you may want to research that term). The end goal is always pre-determined and this first ever Catholic-Islam Forum is no exception. The planned outcome is a 'manageable' religious framework for so-called global unity.
The Pope is working to facilitate the first step of Catholic/Islam interfaith unity by having the Catholic and Islam religions agree to "show a common belief" and accept each other as one family loved by (the same) God, and to work together to "educate all people".
One world religion...this is how it is happening. You are witnessing it. Maranatha
see also: Landmark Catholic-Muslim Forum To Discuss "Shared Foundations" 11-4-08;
Pope Echoes Interfaith Cry 7-18-08;
Is Catholicism really Christian?;
Is the 'Pope' Scriptural?
1Timothy 2:5 'For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus'
1 comment :
My mother in law attended a Bible study conducted by a powerful woman of influence within our community. She was brainwashed by the study leader into believing that Christians and muslims worship the same god, then began to 'educate' me into believing this lie. Since she attends 'church' every Sunday, yet fails to study and meditate upon the Scriptures for herself (she is not a born again Christian) allowing the Holy Spirit to teach her, it is easy for these types of church goers to become brainwashed into believing these lies.
This is an instance where we must stand our ground with the truth of the Gospel. I was able to minister to her and firmly stand on the Words of Jesus compared to the lies of the koran, although she has a difficult time hearing the truth from me. We have a dreaded disease here amongst the religious masses and it is called 'pride.' And this pride, turning away from our Maker, is leading our country right into the enemies fields.
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