[7-27-15] A message about safety is now being played at the AMC Theatres. It states, "If you happen to see any suspiciously strange characters or bad agendas, report them to our crew."
Most recently, the shooting at a movie theater in Louisiana last Thursday [7-23-15] that killed two people and injured nine others. Now, AMC Theatres has created a video message alerting moviegoers to look out for suspicious people or bad agendas and report it immediately.
A day after the story aired on local 6, AMC reached out to the station and said that the message has been played before every movie over the past few years. AMC told Local 6 that the message has nothing to do with a shooting at a Louisiana theater earlier this month.
Local 6 also called Cinemark and Regal to see if they've followed suit, but no one has returned our calls.
This post is a follow up, related to: Too Predictable: Largest Theater Chain In USA Starts Bag Checks, Talking About Metal Detectors, Armed Guards 8-21-15 "Mass shootings...John Q. Public is told ...theater x 2...July and August 0-'15...and there you have it...easy as pie...the largest theater chain in America now rolling out airport-like security at "some of it's 569 theaters"....and Universal Pictures getting in on it too... Police state implementation at the so-called 'soft target' locations, so long a known ZNWO objective [link - 2010], has now officially begun. -- The infamous 'underwear bomber' changed the airport paradigm forever, likewise this 'theatre' based ordo-ab-chao is now being used to change the so-called 'soft target' paradigm, also permanently..." [see post]
The above article is about six weeks old. It is dated July 27, 2015, published just days after the first [7-23-15] of the two recent supposed-to-be-real theater shootings. Lafayette, Louisiana was the scene of this first 'shooting' (like 'shooting' a movie...at the movies?). Two weeks later 8-5-15 the second 'movie shooting' took place in Nashville, Tennessee. Two in two weeks, and the result is...suspicious character watch alerts for moviegoers...and police state encroachment upon moviegoers.
It's a b-plot movie. Fyi
Rev. 18:4
Why are "christians" supporting such a trashy industry. The Movie Industry has been since its inception a part of the brainwashing program. The precepts in every film are anti christian. Its wasted time for the believer? and a fouling of the spirit. Psa_101:3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
Christians love this over sexualized, violent, and depraved culture just like the rest of the world. The American churches for the most part are not separate from the culture due to the fact that the pursuit of holiness and maturity in our faith in Jesus is absent.
Try and live your life according to the Word of God, and most churches/church attendees will actually hate you for not abiding in their wicked ways. Most of the people attending American 501c. 3 churches do not read their Bibles and if you asked them what the Gospel is, the churched will look at you like you are some sort of "kook."
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