Update Blog notice 10-22-24: Long story short in a new space now after last couple months 'cloud watching'
[Ps. 78:14] - working on getting rolling again the LORD willing.. Rev18:4


New Tony Blair Program Pushing Global Interfaith Agenda To Next Level

update on: Blair, w/Obama, Pushing 'Global Religion' Script 2-6-09
"Globalist speechreader Blair...reciting from the same old Zionist global domination script, sends the message that the agenda for the world's religions to submit themselves to the global system will be taken to the next level." (see post)
and just four months later:

Tony Blair Faith Foundation 'Faith To Face' Program Launched 6-9-09

Now we are adding a new dimension: an education program linking up schools across the globe and across the faith divide. Launching officially today is Face to Faith, the new global schools project from my Foundation, designed to encourage young people of different faiths to learn directly with, from and about each other. Through structured video-conferencing, an online community and a course syllabus, Face to Faith gets secondary school students from across the world working together, investigating big global issues; sharing their own opinions, values and beliefs; and exploring the reasons for similar and different views. In this way, Face to Faith encourages young people to recognize the similarities between faiths but also, importantly, to respect and deal with the differences between diverse and often conflicting worldviews, helping to equip them to live in a global society made up of different faiths and beliefs.

Already, schools in Pakistan, India, Lebanon, the Palestinian Territories, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, the UK, US and Canada have taken up the Face to Faith program and some interesting offshoots are emerging. Two schools in Canada and Palestine are extending the program, originally designed for 11-16 year olds, by arranging video conference discussions between groups of parents and grandparents interested in improving their own understanding of different faiths. And these adults are not the only ones. One of the Lebanese teachers involved in the program commented; 'One of the highlights of Face to Faith is the regular exchange with the other teachers of different faiths who have already taught me so much about different practices and perspectives.'
For background and comments on the so-called Tony Blair Faith Foundation and the role it is playing in the effort to merge the religions of the world and fit them into the communitarian global management system, as seen here in this "new dimension" of their "global schools project", see:

'One World Church' Rising From The Earth 6-1-08;
Blair, Yale, Antichrist World Religion 9-23-08;
and Tony Blair: world-wide "awakening"? 4-4-08 (follow links, connect dots)

The various religions of the world, including today's utterly corrupt Laodicean Christendom, will eventually all bow together in global oneness to worship the coming false messiah, the Antichrist, who will at that time claim to be God himself [2 Thes. 2:4].

The TBFF efforts are contributing to this rapidly developing scenario. Can you see it?
Rev. 18:4
1 Corinthians 10:20 'But I say...they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.'

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