[excerpted] Just before 1 a.m. Wednesday morning, the Washington state House of Representatives passed the "Uniform Parentage Act," along party lines with every Democrat in favor and every Republican opposed. The bill had previously passed the state Senate with total Democratic support and three Republicans. The state's Democratic governor, Jay Inslee, is expected to sign the legislation.
"For House Republicans, this bill was a matter of conscience,'' said Liz Pike, who represents the state's 18th house district, according to Clark County Today.
"We all voted 'no' to protect the womb from being monetized and commercialized. This bill sets virtually no limits on the amount people will be able to sell or purchase a human baby for. I'm disgusted that such a bill would ever be considered let alone pass. What have we become as a state, selling human babies to the highest bidder? Is this who we are?"
...the Washington legislation contains no restrictions and more economically disadvantaged and vulnerable women who think this is just another way to make money will be exploited.
As the bill stands... no limits are placed on how many children can be procured through surrogacy arrangements, no requirements exist saying that people intending to pay for surrogacy services must be residents of Washington state or American citizens, or even that the women must be inseminated in Washington. All it takes is one consultation that occurs on Washington soil and a contract can be legally enforced even if the individuals using the surrogate mother hail from nations where surrogacy is prohibited.
It doesn't matter if you have any biological connection to the child at all. It doesn't matter how many adults, if one is single or married. If you intend to parent and create a contract and have the means to create a child through surrogacy or other reproductive technologies, we will give you our full authority."
"People don't get what a massive shift this is. We are messing with the nature of what it means to be a human baby. That is what we're doing."
3-14-18 update: Inslee signs Uniform Parentage Act into law
re: [selling babies from the womb] 'a massive shift'
Without question - as massive a shift as could be conceived. Buying and selling humans from the womb. Like cattle, owned as property. Literally the beginning of a global slave trade. Want half a dozen - no problem. Custom order? ...no problem - select the race of the father, select the race of the mother - product delivered to your door in nine months. How can this be? - answer: while incredibly dark, evil etc., which it absolutely is, it also happens to be very very simple to discern what is really being set in motion here. These two posts below lay it out plainly [and these things truly are the only possible explanation]:
'Minions' The Movie 7-10-15: Androgynous Global-Slave Programming..."Because You're A Minion", Says ZWO 7-9-15 "'Because you're a minion' ... Zio-Hollywood's "Minions": unisex worker-drones existing only to serve their "evil master" aka societal brainwash/global-citizen programming of the youth ... What is all this really about? The answer is actually very simple [see post; video]:
*From the Jewish Talmud:
"Only the Jews are humans, the Non-Jews are not humans, but cattle" (non-Jews aka "goyim" = human cattle) - Kerithuth 6b page 78, Jebhammoth 61a
“When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves of the Jews” - (Erubin 43b)
[*As for the Talmud quotes, the truth is quite otherwise; see Zionism and Bible prophecy - (scroll down)]
And: Populations To Be Owned Liked Property - Peter Druckers NWO Plan 11-10-10 "The Brave New World fast materializing before our eyes is not about 'money' so much as it is about a global empire. What is 'money' if you already own the entire world? This reality was not lost on the late Peter Drucker, the so-called 'father of modern management', so-called that because he is the actual architect of the "global-management" system being used to create the 'global empire'. Drucker's premise was that the wealth of the future would not be measured by gold, silver, or especially paper fiat money, but by what he called "knowledge workers"... What is a 'knowledge worker? Well to put it into the simplest and most blunt terms, a 'knowledge worker' is a slave...Owning the entire planet at that point, precious metals, jewels etc. would have little value and wealth would then be determined by how many slaves are owned. Researching Peter Drucker and the term "knowledge worker" will prove these things true...[see post]
Be aware of the day and the hour in which ye live.*
Rev. 18:4
*Rev. 18:10-13 'Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come. And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more ...wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men' '
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