"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not
partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
Cryptic-Message Commercials 'Good Fight', '24': 'February Will Get Nasty'; 'New Hero Clock Resets After Super Bowl'
Cryptic messages hidden in commercials - in plain sight - done always. And very few realize. Below are two current examples. On the left is a promo from a new CBS series titled 'Good Fight'. Apparently it is a spin-off from another series that had ended called 'Good Wife': "[Youtube] The Good Fight picks up one year after the events of the final broadcast episode of The Good Wife"; On the right is a promo for a sequel to the ended series '24' - which producers are calling "24: LEGACY, The Next Evolution"; both videos below with screenshots from each revealing the cryptic messages. Note the progress bar on screenshots. The message is not displayed all at once but in a progressive manner. Spliced in between lots of rapidly flashing images, with blaring sound, the average person sitting there in a TV-induced state of hypnosis is not consciously aware of these little crypto-cabala subliminal brainwashes as exampled here. Note: this type of thing is done endlessly. A messaging system even - to 'cabal' members it seems like. Continually new and changing. Note also for any interested in watching for these 'psycho-crypto' messages. The commercial imagery and the sound is itself very distracting. Muting the sound on commercials and looking just for the text makes them very evident:
Not a pleasant thought. Could mean anything though.
And what about '24: Legacy, The Next Evolution'? Next evolution of what? Androgynous would-be godmen? And the 'New Hero New Day' - has to be a cryptic reference to 777-Trump and the 'dawn'/Don of the new order does it not [link]? And "the clock resetting"? - is there something big planned for the New-Day now 'dawned' after the Super Bowl? - note in video @ :32 second-mark audio says "there will be attacks all over this country - do you understand". And the name of the new show "Good Fight" - that sounds like it has some sort of intended esoteric cryptic-ness too.
Anyway, it's almost February, and it's almost the Super Bowl. Be aware, and do not be cabala cryptic-commercial brainwashed.Rev. 18:4
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Proverbs 29:16 'When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increaseth: but the righteous shall see their fall'
Charting the rising one world government, the emerging global spirituality, and the apostasy of the Christian church worldwide. Bringing the picture into focus.[Hover on linked scripture verses for pop-up window]
Horatius Bonar [1808-1889]; 6 mins. Mt. 25:2-3;
also read: 'Foolish Virgins' by CHM
A. W. Tozer [1960?]; 24 mins.
'Enoch would go' [original recording]
It is of the utmost importance for the Christian reader to bear in mind that, whatever be the condition of the professing Church, it is his privilege to enjoy as high communion and to tread as high a path of individual devotedness as ever was known in the very brightest days of the Church's history. We must never draw a plea from the condition of things around us for lowering the standard of individual holiness and devotedness. There is no excuse for continuing a single hour in connection with anything that will not stand the test of Holy Scripture.
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