President Obama's State Department announced, during a press briefing today [1-4-12], the creation of the Bureau of Counterterrorism, which will coordinate with United States entities such as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and foreign governments to develop civilian counterterrorism strategies and operations.
"The bureau will lead in supporting U.S. counterterrorism diplomacy and seek to strengthen homeland security, countering violent extremism, and build the capacity of partner nations to deal effectively with terrorism...strengthening our engagement with others to support their civilian institutions so that they can actually hold that territory, police that territory, try people who want to carry out violent attacks either against people who live there or abroad, is an absolutely vital undertaking.""
The bureau will focus on foreign terrorists, but their activities have some bearing on domestic security. It collaborates with "the Department of Homeland Security to work jointly to stop terrorist travel, to improve aviation security..."
This post is a follow up on: Bogus 'GWOT' Bringing Global Police State: Clinton Announces Launch Of 'Global Counterterrorism Forum' 9-13-11 "The effort brings together the US, Turkey and the European Union, joined by 27 countries including Algeria, Egypt, India, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and will be launched in the coming weeks." - the NWO octopus has found a way to slither in and under the pretense of "terrorist threats within their own borders" essentially go in and "by necessity" write new laws and take over law enforcement - i.e. "help countries write counterterrorism legislation and train police". Diabolical. This truly represents the beginning of nothing less than a GLOBAL 'police state'...resulting from the (witch) crafted ordo ab chao of "global terrorism"" [see post for more details]
Coordination between DHS and foreign governments to "build the capacity of partner nations". Hardly necessary to read between the lines to see what is happening here. It could not be any more plain to see. It amounts to nothing less than a global police state apparatus under Zionist U.S. control [here] in the making. As plain as could be. Rev. 18:4
compare: PPD 8 Martial Law Begins: DHS With Semiautomatics Set Up ID Checkpoint In Florida Town 1-5-12
'Even So, Come, Lord Jesus' Rev. 22:20
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