Christian Leaders Call for 40-Day Fast in Run Up to Election
More than 80 prominent Christian leaders are endorsing a 40-day fast leading up to the midterm elections that kicks off Sunday with a simulcast event from Washington, D.C.
Organized by California pastor Jim Garlow and Prison Fellowship founder Chuck Colson, Pray & Act has gained support from a cross-section of Christians, including Bible teacher Kenneth Copeland, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Generals International co-founder Cindy Jacobs, Southern Baptist Convention leader Richard Land, Atlanta pastor Creflo Dollar and Campus Crusade for Christ co-founder Vonette Bright.
In addition to prayer, the effort calls on Christians to "act" by conforming their lives to biblical values, and transforming the culture through evangelism and compassion ministry. Supporters also are being asked to sign the Manhattan Declaration, a document released last November that affirms the sanctity of life, traditional marriage and religious liberty. More than 470,000 people have signed it so far, and Garlow hopes to bring the number to 1 million.
He said Pray & Act is a spiritual movement. "But you can't divorce a stand for life and marriage from a political stand," Engle told Charisma. "Because you're saying, ‘Over my dead body I will stand on the truth that marriage is between a man and a woman, and you cannot shed the innocent blood of babies.'"
re: 'Pray and Act'...."Over my dead body"
For those familiar with the names, the list of 80 so-called "prominent Christian leaders" reads like a veritable who's who of Laodicean-Christendom 2010. The unison seen here across the deluded dominionist-Christian/political spectrum is unprecedented. The entire mass truly is congealing into a single entity, exactly as designed by the architects of 'transformational change'. By creating the circumstances where 'change' is perceived to be crucial, e.g. homosexual marriage..."over my dead body", as stated by one of the movement's leaders, the various factions of Christendom have been readied for the next step - putting aside differences and joining hands.
This is a global management strategy. With the various groups joining together to fight the 'common enemy' they have suddenly been restructured into a single manageable unit, rather than many unmanageable units. Eighty leaders and their 'flocks' have now become eighty followers of those who are setting the agenda.
'Act and Pray' is what they are calling this phase of the overall agenda. Apparently the first "act" the merging groups will be coerced into doing in order to 'save America', along with their fasting, is to get on board with the militant "Manhattan Declaration":
CA Homosexual Psuedo-Marriage And The Global Agenda: Manhattan Declaration 'Leaders' Call To Mobilize In Opposition 8-15-10 "At the exact moment when so-called gay marriage has taken a judicial end-run around the will-of-the-people...the 'Manhattan Declaration-ites' are already signed up and ready to be "mobilized" for marching in the streets. Exactly as the global strategists have planned." [see post]
Manhattan Declaration...Declares Militancy 11-29-09 "Another huge problem is the position taken as exemplified by the phrase in the document stating: "We pledge...that no power on earth, be it cultural or political, will intimidate us into silence or acquiescence." [see post]
America will not be saved, and that by design. It will be assimilated into the global system just like every other country in the world. The inerrant Word of God says so [here]. Blinded dominionists with their grandiose yet unscriptural beliefs of Christian 'global domination for Christ' are an easy prey for the schemes of the anti [against]-Christ globalists though.
It is vitally important for Christians to understand the truth as revealed in God's word regarding the final apostatising of Christianity vs. the false hope and lie of 'Dominionism', which promises a man-built Christian 'Kingdom of God' on the earth. Men will build no kingdom of God on earth. The Antichrist will build his false 'kingdom of Zion' though, and attempt to present himself as God, and attempt to prevent the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, setting up the tremendous conflict detailed in the book of Revelation. see: whose-kingdom
The godless-globalists are fomenting 'revolution' in this country. They need it to hasten the collapse of the 'old order'. Apostate Christendom is being led right into the trap. Maranatha
also: Manhattan 'Deception' And One World Religion: Movement Invites Mormons, Jews, Non-religious to Join 1-8-10
(The main event was last weekend. The 40 days of prayer will end Oct. 30 with a webcast event from the Lincoln Memorial.)
2Timothy 3:13 'But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived'
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