re: "every corner...sea change...hundreds of new rules...beginning of the process"
As stated, what just went down in D.C. - the 'quaking' and 'remaking of the U.S. financial landscape', is just the beginning. In fact, the true scope of this so-called financial reform is not being told at all. The beauty of this for the power-usurpers is that with no specific details at this point, the absolute takeover of the U.S. financial industry can now proceed systematically "over several years" with as little attention paid to it as possible. The "precise contours of this new landscape", to quote the above author, will take shape no doubt under cover of the typical mass-distraction techniques of the NWO Bureau of Propaganda.
When trying to grasp the significance of these financial landscape-remaking "sea changes", it should be clearly understood that the whole premise for this legislation is the created ordo-ab-chao financial economic collapse of '08. In other words, an invented scenario, designed solely to create the justification to force the all-encompassing 666 financial power grab, using the very weak excuse..."we have to take over to prevent another 'collapse'". When this is understood, it is relatively easy to see right through all of it:
quoted from this related post: Encroaching Global Dictatorship Takes Giant Step: Senate Passes Draconian "Financial Regulatory Bill' 5-23-10 "The invented global 'financial-debacle' of the last year and nine months or so has been created for this very reason - to provide the rationalization needed to take absolute control of commerce, not only in the U.S. but globally, so as to then seize the power to "manage every facet" of it...Voila, the plan is working exactly as designed." [see post]
and: 'Government' Putting Knife In Back Of Corporate America: Flaunting Open Dictatorship 10-21-09 "Self-appointed obama-czars, i.e. Zionist-Sanhedrin wannabes, under the guise of last year's absolutely fabricated 'financial meltdown' created the scenario, in part, to OPENLY take over corporate America. Invent a financial crisis, 'lend' money to the 'crippled' firms, then swoop in and take control of the companies while the 'loan' is still outstanding. This is exactly what was done." [see post]
On a side note, in seemingly true Cabalist "as above, so below" fashion, the tremendous 'shaking' that occurred in the financial power realms - the remaking of the "financial landscape" as it was referred to, coincided with a very rare earthquake in Washington D.C. shortly after Washington D.C. Senators passed the bill. That is quite a coincidence. Shake for shake it almost seems. Was it a real quake? It almost seems like it could have actually been a little 'bomb'-quake, perhaps even triggered by the NWO Cabalist/Zionist self-proclaimed masters-of-the universe, in a victory toast to themselves, all popping the corks from their champagne bottles at the same time in celebration of their successful takeover. But, who can say.
see: Small quake hits Washington, D.C., area "WASHINGTON, July 16, 2010 (Reuters) — A small 3.6 magnitude earthquake shook the Washington area on Friday morning, but there were no reports of injuries or damage in a region not usually associated with quakes."
Psalms 140:8 'Grant not, O LORD, the desires of the wicked: further not his wicked device; lest they exalt themselves. Selah.'
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