
No Eggs For Useless Eaters: Massive Fire Destroys One Of Nation’s Largest Egg Facilities - 'Over A Million' Chickens 'Reported' Killed; A21 Food-System Phaseout Continues

Massive Fire Destroys Farina Farms Inc. in Illinois, One of Nation’s Largest Free-Range Egg Facilities

The fire spread across south Illinois poultry farm called Farina Farms Inc. on Wednesday evening, causing major damage and killing chickens.. Firefighters had managed to extinguish all the flames but unfortunately, chances were high for a total loss at this chicken farm hosting over one million birds.. causing a complete cut off for some cage-free chicken houses.

The poultry farm is owned by Wabash Valley Produce which is associated with Farina Farms Inc., one of the biggest free-living chicken houses countrywide. Run by Wabash Valley Produce being a top-rated egg producer at no.24 on WATT Global Media’s 2024 Top Egg Company Survey, it operates across Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio. Though it is not yet clear how deeply this disaster will affect a wider supply chain or local areas but has raised expectations for substantial consequences.

This unfortunate incident at Farina Farms Inc. has affected the Illinois poultry industry negatively. The loss of more than 1 million birds along with property destruction showcases big challenges for large scale farming operations.


This post a follow up on 3-21-24: EPA New Rules To Shut Down Small And Mid-Size Meat And Poultry Plants Across US Crippling Rural Areas; Bugs 4U A21  [see post/WHO video]  "What is intended is plain as can be to see: In this instance phase out meat and poultry while at the same time shut down the economies of select rural areas. There is a name for this. It's more Agenda 21 [A21] - i.e. Agenda for the 21st century -- aka one-world-government i.e. the delusional self-claimed 'elite' take the entire earth to themselves the rest become their slaves - essentially treated like animals [link] - to be fed not Purina dog chow or cat chow but Purina 'human chow'. Note in particular that the above plan dovetails perfectly with the recent Tyson announcement to build-out insect farming infrastructure across the US of A:

Grand Meat Phase-Out: Tyson Foods Closes Major Meat Plant - Announces "Insect Farming" Infrastructure Across USA 3-14-24 "It is the grand phase out.. over time the availability will become less and less, until there is virtually no meat no fish no pork anywhere, and through this carefully planned phasing-out program the 'serfdom' becomes trained to do without. Then they are to be fed insects.."

2030 - all things are being done according to a schedule. Appears that all is right on schedule too. Be aware so to navigate as needed the times ahead. [2 Tim 3:1; Rom. 10:13]
[Question: if the story says '1 million chickens died' does that mean it is true? Answer: Not at all. Fake News is fake. Whatever is needed to push an agenda.. a 'fake news' will appear on cue. Everytime. Which brings up another thought - about if/when they start blaming these type of fake-news things on 'Chyna'.. in this case 'attacking the food supply' .. do not be surprised.]

Psalms 37:14 'The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation'  [compare: Rom. 10:13]


Note To Christians Everywhere: You Should Use Only The Living Bible - Otherwise Known As The King James Version

John 6:53 'Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you'

The Bible sanctifies and moulds the mind into the image of Christ. You cannot expect to grow in grace if you do not read the Scriptures. If you are not familiar with the word, you cannot expect to become like Him that spoke it.

Oh, be much with the holy word of God, and you will be holy. Be much with the silly novels of the day, and the foolish trifles of the hour, and you will degenerate into vapid wasters of your time.

But be much with the solid teachings of God's word, and you will become solid and substantial men and women: drink them in, and feed upon them, and they shall produce in you a Christ-likeness, at which the world shall stand astonished. - Spurgeon
Compare: John 6:60-61,66-68

With the thought of feeding on the Word Of God, despite the certain objections of more than a few, the absolute truth is that the Authorized Version (AV) aka King James Version (KJV) is the only Bible that can produce the effects described above by Spurgeon. Every other version, without exception, are like the GMO foods passed off on people today - i.e. the vital essence having been destroyed it is not the real thing. Following that little analogy, the KJV would then be 'organic'. Recommend go organic if not already - see: Authorized Version King James Only - for a reason
see also: Is The Holy Ghost Gone From Your Bible? - Unless You Have A KJV The Answer Is Yes  [or by video]


The ANTICHRIST ONE-WORLD-CHURCH Is Calling They Want You To Be Their Friend Worship The Beast; And THE False Prophet


Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/5np9Epbt8nGx/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


Above video [edited version] sourced from original post: 'One World Religion' Is Here: Pope, World's Religion Leaders Launch 'Make Friends' Movement 6-14-17; Hiring: False Prophet

"[2-9-08] ..a second world leader, this one to come from the religious or 'spiritual world, and he rises to power as the head over a global interfaith conglomeration. This will be the personage described in God's word as the 'false prophet' (Rev. 13:11; 16:13; 19:20). Tolerance and acceptance of all belief systems as equally valid will be the hallmark of his program, designed to create global unity. This system of blended religions will be politically compatible and allowed for a period of time, an adjustment period if you will, but at a later point (Rev. 17:16) the job of the 'false prophet' will be to re-direct the different "faith traditions" to the worship of the Antichrist himself. He will have supernatural power, as will the Antichrist, to accomplish his 'mission' .. This is not difficult to understand. The one called Antichrist, having gained control of the world, will then at this time make the claim that he is himself God, and with the help of the 'false prophet', demand the worship of all mankind. All religions will be obsolete at that point and no longer tolerated (Rev. 17:16). The Antichrist will then oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; [see: original 'FP' post]

To Be Their Friend Worship The Beast [Tip: Don't do it]
Rev. 18:4

Rev. 17:3,5 '..and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns .. And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH'


Florida Condo Owners Losing Properties Via New Law Requiring Expensive Building Upgrades Resulting From Miami Surfside Condo Implosion-Collapse June 2021

Florida Condo Owners Dump Units Over Six-Figure Special Assessments

After the collapse of a Surfside Building on June 24, 2021.. the state passed a structural safety law that is now biting owners .. Not only are insurance rates soaring, but owners are hit with huge special assessments topping $100,000.

Under the new law, buildings must pass milestone structural inspections no later than 30 years after they are built. In Miami, about 38% of the housing stock is condos.. Of those buildings, nearly three-quarters are at least 30 years old. For those that have large repairs looming, many owners are scrambling to sell before Jan. 1 when building reserves must be fully funded to be in compliance with the law .. Owners are struggling to find all-cash buyers because mortgage lenders are increasingly unwilling to take on the risk associated with these units. “It’s not the buyers that aren’t qualifying,” said Craig Studnicky, chief executive at ISG World. “It’s the buildings that aren’t qualifying.”

Those who cannot sell and don’t have the special assessment, will be evicted and their units seized for whatever the Associations can get for them. “I think this is just the beginning,” said Greg Main-Baillie, an executive managing director at real-estate firm Colliers..

Some are worried developers may already be purchasing condos in the building for a potential takeover, where a developer tries to gain control of a building to knock it down and build a newer, more luxurious one. These condo terminations are happening up and down the state’s coastline. While the rules can vary by building, if enough people vote to sell their units, the others have to follow along.


Above post is excerpted. Full length article at link. Very briefly what the article reveals is the diabolical end game now being played out in Florida as the result of the sudden nonsensical collapse of the Miami Surfside Condo building in June 2021. Most will remember the event. Original June 2021 post below with actual video of the collapse showing very clearly the building coming down by means of a very precise controlled demolition i.e. implosion. As a result of that event, fast forward to now May 2024, a new-law essentially driving people off their properties has been put in place. Based on the June 2021 claimed "climate-change caused collapse" of the Miami Surfside Condo, this new law is requiring all buildings over thirty years old to undergo new 'structural inspections' to determine their safety. As a result Condo associations are being required to assess the costs to bring their buildings in compliace and collect the funds from individual condo owners. Reports are that individual owners are receiving assesments for their individual condo units upwards of 100k.


Affliction Is Good For The Believer -- Thomas Brooks [1608 - 1680]; Psalms 119:71

Good Comes through Affliction - Thomas Brooks (1608-1680)

“It is good for me that I have been afflicted.” — Psalms 119:71

Gracious soul secretly concludes, “As stars shine brightest in the night, so God will make my soul shine and glisten like gold while I am in this furnace, and when I come out of the furnace of affliction.” “But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold” (Job 23:10). Surely, as the taste of honey opened Jonathan’s eyes, so this cross, this affliction shall open my eyes. By this stroke, I shall come to have a clearer sight of my sins and of my self and a fuller sight of my God (Job 33:27-28; 40:4-5)! Surely this affliction shall proceed in the purging away of my dross (Isaiah 1:25)! Surely as plowing of the ground kills the weeds, and harrowing breaks hard clods, so these afflictions shall kill my sins and soften my heart (Hosea 5:15; 6:1-3)! Surely as the plaster draws out the infectious core, so the afflictions that are upon me shall draw out the core of pride, the core of self-love, the core of envy, the core of earthliness, the core of formality, the core of hypocrisy (Psalms 119:67, 71)!

Surely by these afflictions, the Lord will crucify my heart more and more to the world and the world to my heart (Galatians 6:14; Psalms 131:1-3)! Surely, by these afflictions, the Lord will keep pride from my soul (Job 33:14-17, 18-21)! Surely, these afflictions are but the Lord’s pruning-knives by which He will bleed my sins, prune my heart, and make it more fertile and fruitful! They are but the Lord’s potion by which He will clear me and rid me of those spiritual diseases and maladies that are most deadly and dangerous to my soul! Affliction is such a healing potion as will carry away all soul diseases better than all other remedies (Zechariah 13:8-9)! Surely, these afflictions shall increase my spiritual communion with God (Romans 5:3-4)! Surely by these afflictions, I shall be made to partake more of God’s holiness (Hebrews 12:10)! As black soap makes white clothes, so do sharp afflictions make holy hearts!


Red Alert: US Government Makes 'Preferred Pronouns' Mandatory In All Workplaces Nationwide - Or Else [5-'24]

U.S. Government Mandates Preferred Pronouns in All Workplaces

The U.S. Government has mandated the use of preferred pronouns in every workplace in America in a clampdown on ‘discrimination’ against transgender people under the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

"As of this week, failing to respect a queer person’s non-binary pronouns is the newest form of workplace discrimination recognised under the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act in the United States.

The new pronoun mandate for workers, employers and even customers* was issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as part of the civil rights agency’s first move in a quarter-century to bring its workplace guidelines up to date with legal precedent and evolving social norms.

The 189-page document, which is technically legally non-binding but spells out the agency’s policies on investigating discrimination complaints, says that misgendering must be repeated and intentional, not a slip of the tongue, to rise to the level of workplace harassment.

The new standards were adopted on a 3-2 vote, along party lines, after the investigatory panel received some 37,000 public comments on the updates proposed last October." [full article]

re: '..newest form of workplace discrimination recognised under the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act'

'Mandated' - is that word itself even still legal now?

May 2024 every single person holding a job in the USA, or employers, despite any personal convictions or beliefs, to now be strong-armed into playing along with the 'pronoun-agenda', or face the consequences. "Workplace discrimination" charges no doubt would embroil the non-compliant in some very nasty federal lawsuits.


2020 Flashback "Release The Kraken" -- Fake Korona Was The 'Kraken' Released On The 'Mortals' Of The World

Original post 12-26-20: Canada 'Released The Kraken' Feb. 2020 [Coin] - Just Before WHO Global Pandemic Declaration 3-11-20 - Leviathan Ritual  "A brand new coin series "Creatures of the North", the very first coin of [a] new series released late February 2020. And the very first creature featured on the very first coin just so happened to be the 'Kraken', the sea-beast that wreaks havoc on the people of the world. Interesting timing, considering this was exactly when the Corona PSYOP was just beginning, and then a few weeks later 3-11-20 WHO declared 'Corona' a global pandemic. And as the world has now experienced, Corona has been a sea-monster wreaking havoc across the seas in every country. How then should the 'release of the Kraken' coin not be seen as a symbolic ritualistic hidden-message of the creation and purpose of Fake-Corona? Seems that 'Kraken' is probably intended to symbolize the biblical beast-from-the-sea Leviathan [Rev. 13:1]." [see post]


Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/lRMxtGAaIaWH/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


'Kraken' Released February 2020 - Wreaking Havoc Ever Since

"The reverse features the massive, legendary beast of the sea, which mariners of old trembled even to whisper its name; the Kraken! The design is quite remarkable, following the belief that this monster sea creature was, or at least resembled a gigantic deep ocean squid. However, the scale of the Kraken compared to the ocean-going ship is massively larger than the ship. The creature is shown effortlessly ripping the helpless ship in two with its tentacles. This was indeed a legendary monster to be feared!"  [see post]

Rev. 18:4
Isaiah 27:1 'In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea'