Quoting from above - very recent post - in reference to the upcoming Zionist Fake-WWIII scripted by Horus: "It is a production [and is] meticulously choreographed". And so, as always, no surprise then finding impossible numerology attached to the reported 4-13-24 Zionist-Iran attack on Zionist-Israel. Which proves both aspects of that quoted statement undeniably true.. i.e. that it is absolutely a production, and, that every aspect of this fake-WWIII stage-show the world is now being subjected to, has absolutely been meticulously choreographed - according to kabalist black-magic numbers. That being the fact of the matter, this particular event, with, supposedly, Iran making a first strike against Israel, must be considered a highly significant moment due to the numerology connected to the particular day the WWIII-PSYOP architects, wizards that they are, scheduled it to occur. They used one of their very favorite conjuring-numbers of all time - 911:
May 14, 1948 was the establishment of the State of Israel [see: Zionist flag 1897]:
April 13th, 2024 worldwide headlines Iran attacks Israel. Incredible timing on the event. On this very day Israel was exactly 911 months old. Not one day more, not one day less: April 13, 2024, the 'Iran attack' happens. 5-14-48 to 4-13-24 is 911 months - fulfilled to the day: