Back To The Farms, Says Gore [7-18-08]
propaganda update on: Global Warming Propaganda Goes Nutso
Gore Urges Change to Dodge an Energy Crisis
WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Al Gore on Thursday urged the United States to wean the nation from its entire electricity grid to carbon-free energy within 10 years, warning that drastic steps were needed to avoid a global economic and ecological cataclysm.
“The survival of the United States of America as we know it is at risk,” he said in a midday speech to a friendly crowd of mostly young supporters in Washington. “And even more — if more should be required — the future of human civilization is at stake.”
“To those who say 10 years is not enough time, I respectfully ask them to consider seriously what the world’s scientists are telling us* about the risks we face if we don’t act in less than 10 years,” he said.
*see: scientists 'babel'
re: global cataclysm, survival of the U.S. and the future of human civilization
Upping the ante in a big way
These utterly absurd off-the-chart statements preached to the entire world can only be understood in one way. A clear message of the globalist intent to take their agenda to the next level..and to do it now. No more time to play around apparently.
We must all go back to the 1800's or die.
Gore (note the halo - they love these sort of pictures) has obviously been 'anointed' to play the role of the modern day 'jon-the baptist' for the Tower of Babel rebuilders. Crying in the wilderness of a world about to disintegrate...sent with the message...'prepare ye the way for our master [Antichrist]...make straight his path'....we will tear down the old order and we will build the new to establish his kingdom...and all the people will be of no use other than to serve us as we decide...
Connect the dots, there is no more time...the tipping point has come. The full court press has started...and they're telling us right up front what's going to happen...unbelievable and surreal as it may be. It is real though...and j-t-b Gore is preparing the way. These things must be faced. Maranatha
gore propaganda-campaign; and: radically altered lifestyle
also: blair-worldwide-transformation
[follow links, connect dots]
The Lord is in control...seek Him
All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity. Isaiah 40:17
What was the name of that Rome meeting to decide if aliens attacking earth or conservation of the earth was most likely to win assest to their NWO tricks?
Violence has erupted in Manipur, in Northeast India, claiming 60 lives, burning and destroying 50 churches, and displacing tens of thousands of people. Most of the dead are believed to be Christians.
According to Indian media, 10,000 troops have been brought in to restore order. At the same time a hearing of India’s Supreme Court claims there is no persecution against Christians in the country.
Indian media reports that violence erupted in several states, focused mainly in the Imphal Valley and Churachandpur.
‘Shoot on sight’
Soldiers have been sent in with orders to shoot on sight to restore order and curfews have been imposed.
Reports coming from India say Christians have been attacked in 27 villages, sometimes in plain sight of state police and military, while mobs roamed the streets.
The Open Persecution of
Christians in Ireland is
About to Commence
There is a Bible passage And He poured out His soul unto death--I think of it everytime I hear this most beautiful hymn. I hope it will encourage you.
Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, sanctify me
Body of Christ, save me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me
Water from Christ's side, wash me
Passion of Christ, strengthen me
O good Jesus, hear me
Within Thy wounds hide me
Suffer me not to be separated from Thee
From the malicious enemy defend me
In the hour of my death call me
And bid me come unto Thee
That I may praise Thee with Thy saints
and with Thy angels
Forever and ever
Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
the following is sometimes an interesting site tho don't seem to have this passage of Isaiah 53:
Natalia re: above comment
The problem i would have with the hymn/video is that it is very Catholic religion. Starting with the video source it says "Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception" -- the 'immaculate conception' is a false doctrine: that Mary was born without sin. This is terribly unscriptural and it is a foundation of the Catholic Church. The words also seem very Catholic: for instance this strange verse "Blood of Christ, inebriate me". The imagery of the video then is of a Catholic mass. The Catholic mass is a subject unto itself - it is a very dark anti-biblical ritual when understood what is actually being done - i.e. summoning Christ Jesus down from heaven to be literally re-sacrificed over and over - which is exactly what Catholic religion teaches; and so much more.. none of it biblical; The truth of it is Catholicism is of 'another spirit' altogether
for research re: mass much can be found - here is one if interested:
another - Catholicism 37 Unbiblical Doctrines:
also the classic and very well known work, very thorough, covering all the multiplied errors of Catholicism by Lorraine Boettner 1962 400pp [to download and keep]:
https://www.tlchrist.info/keithgreen/boettner_romancatholocism.pdf [pdf file]
Have to say emphatically re: Catholic religion Rev. 18:4
Well, if you go to Church Militant or Remnant Newspaper which may be Opus Dei but some of the comments are good, and many other sites, Catholics complain that after Vatican II the Catholic Mass became Protestant and if you can believe statistics that more than half of Catholics don't believe that after the words of institution that the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Strangely the Methodist main site said because of the words of institution, that many Methodists now believe the Bread and Wine become the real Body and Blood of Jesus. Also the Catholic Mass often has many Protestant hymns now.
Many Catholics despise Francis and some think he is the False Prophet.
There are some good defenses of the fact that the Catholic Church does not believe that Jesus is resacrifice but the Bible does show that eternity does not have time as we know it and that the priest is representing the same sacrifice as at Calvary in an unbloody manner.
The best defense of the traditional Catholic Church is that Protestants believe that the church blinked on for a century or two and then blinked off again until the Reformation but during that more than thousand years, did Jesus Christ have a church on earth?
Also where did the Protestant Bible come from? I have read Eramus found the orginals part by part in Catholic monastaries. If that is not true where did the translators Tyndale or the King James translaters find the originals?
[in response to comment directly above]
This is not to debate Catholicism. I'm not interested in debating Catholicism as the things unbiblical are so clear that there really is nothing debatable about them:
For instance, and for the record, once again - i.e. popes, priests, nuns, altar boys, masses, 'saints', immaculate conceptions, Mary worship, transubstantiation, novenas, rosaries, confessionals, lent, ash Wednesdays, stations-of-the-cross, purgatory, infant baptism, prayers to Mary, prayers to 'saints' ...all these things and so much more - are not found anywhere in scripture, are inventions of men, are in fact all against scripture, which then follows that they are actually against the Lord Jesus Christ himself, which is to say then that they are 'anti-christ'.
Absolutely nothing biblical about Catholicism. It is a completely dead religion. It is of another spirit. It is definitely not of the Holy Ghost - for no lie is of the truth [1 John 2:21] - and all these things mentioned above, being absolutely unscriptural, are then in fact lies. Catholicism is and always has been, from it's beginning, a counterfeiting of true biblical doctrinal truth. The fact is it also uses it own private interpretations of scripture, by way of it's own Westcott-Hort interpreted 'Catholic versions' bibles.
- Note also these things are not 'criticisms' (the word used on other comment) of Catholicism . No no they are far stronger than that. This is showing that something is not at all what it purports to be and is in fact utterly false, and because of that dangerous - and for these reasons to be completely and finally rejected. Light can have no fellowship with darkness, nor can Christ have concord with Belial [2 Cor. 6:14-17,18]
- Catholics can deny 'transubstantiation' and the 'resacrifice' of the mass all they want but they are wasting their breath. The facts of what these Catholic doctrines teach are heavily documented and beyond dispute.
- re: Also where did the Protestant Bible come from? I have read Eramus found the orginals part by part in Catholic monastaries. If that is not true where did the translators Tyndale or the King James translaters find the originals?
There are no 'originals'. Do not exist. They long ago dissolved into dust. The 'doctrine of preservation' [Psalms 12:6-7] is the basis of belief in the inerrancy of scripture, found only in the Authorized Version (aka KJV). God promised to preserve his word. This he has done. Man will only corrupt it. Tyndale and the KJV translators used previous bible translations (some in other languages), and all the various manuscripts, copies, that had come down through the centuries. God the Holy Ghost took it all and in 1611 basically made of it what might be called the 'new original'. He preserved his own Word, as promised. It is called the Authorized Version. Not all will accept that. This is well understood. Regardless of that, it is the fact of the matter. The AV stands alone through the centuries for a reason.
- Those supposed manuscripts found in the Vatican are known as the Vaticanus. They, with their reported discovery as being hidden away unknown in the vatican for centuries, are highly suspect. Westcott Hort used the Vaticanus when they rewrote the KJV and drastically altered it. Erasmus texts are not the KJV. The KJV translators used numerous other source materials than Erasmus.
Only message to be found here on this blog is 'come out of her my people' (Babylon and all it's false religions) - so says the "voice from heaven". Who has ears to hear though? On the front of the blog only one penguin heard the voice calling "from heaven"
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