
2030 Own Nothing - WEF ['Viral Video' Re-look]; And Agenda 21 Unsustainables Take-Away List 1995

Probably one of the most 'viral videos' for the entire year of 2020. Worth taking another look (posting again to document it): 2030 You'll Own Nothing from World Economic Forum (WEF):

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/PR8UWD6Cs3TG/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


Above video related to/follow up on this 9-28-15 post:

Pope, U.N. 'New' 2030 Sustainability Scam Same As Old Scam: 1995 U.N. Biodiversity Assessment Report  "United Nations 2030 Agenda: President Obama Joins World Leaders To Commit to 'Sustainable Development'"

"Regardless of how the 'new' U.N. 2030 agenda for 'sustainability" is currently worded in this it's latest edition, it is without question unchanged in purpose from all previous editions. Subjugate the world is the one and only purpose from the first, through absolute micromanagement of the planet. The green-gospel of "sustainability" has been 'crafted' as the means to that end. By the creation of 'sustainability' guidelines - i.e. what is and what is not "sustainable", every facet of life on earth is to then be regulated. Every person, place, thing utterly controlled - within a global system. The end ultimately being the antichrist-Zionist kingdom-comers reigning as overlords of the earth. That's their grand scheme anyway - link

All in all very simple to understand. The 'global serfdom' is to be herded into "sustainable communities" worldwide, given solar and fed bugs. Bugs? Bugs, for one example, are cheap to produce - no pastures, no irrigation (water), no heavy equipment, etc. [see list below]. Cheap is the key word - the entire motive. Cost management of the slave class. Part of the overall micromanagement plan. With that plan nothing will be overlooked. On that, below is a post from seven years ago - the 1995 U.N. list of 'unsustainables'. Nothing has changed. Recommend reading carefully and comprehending fully. All these things are to be literally done away with - so as to be replaced by the 'novus ordo seclorum'. Everything being done is to this end. Grasp the 'micromanage' concept and the real 'why' of the all-things-green agenda as well, the other 'global issues' now being given a target date of 2030 (and beyond) become completely obvious..."

[see list: full post]

Rev. 18:4
Proverbs 28:5 "...they that seek the LORD understand all things"


Update On 2-17-23 SCOTUS Meeting To Rehear 'Stolen Election 2020' The Result: "Rehearing Denied"

Update on: SCOTUS To Meet 2-17-23 Reconsider Hearing 'Stolen Election 2020'; And Fake 'China WWIII Narrative' 2-15-23 "The Supreme Court is set to reconsider whether to hear a lawsuit alleging President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former Vice President Mike Pence, 291 House members, and 94 senators violated their oaths of office by refusing to investigate evidence of fraud in the 2020 election before certifying Biden as the victor on Jan. 6, 2021, allowing for Biden and Harris to be "fraudulently" inaugurated..  -- Stolen Election 2020 next scene: SCOTUS to meet in "private conference" 2-17-23 to decide on taking it on. Huge development if doing so [4 of 9] turns out to be the next scene in the still-going blockbuster SE2020 script..

And the answer is [2-21-23].. to absolutely no one's shock or surprise - Denied:

[click image to enlarge]

Conclusion: Very simple - it's still there, can still do something with it at anytime if they want, but, not the next scene in the script. The script for dismantling the USA. That script is unchanged. Stay tuned for the next scene whatever it is - it won't take long.. the pages are turning quicker than ever these days..  Rev. 18:4


10-Yr. Date Chelyabinsk Fake 'Meteorite Strike' -- Imminent Space-Rock PSYOP 2025 Next Fake Strike Closer Than Ever

Feburary 15, 2025 - marking 10 years from the supposed Chelyabisnsk, Russia meteorite strike of 2-15-13 [that supposedly landed in the middle of a frozen lake]. This event was the beginning of a dramatic new narrative on the 'imminent danger' the planet earth is now facing due to mysterious "rogue space rocks". That new Chelyabinsk-inspired narrative has not missed a beat since that day. For example this latest article - "invisible asteroids..at any minute" - published just today 2-16-23 - marking the Chelyabisk 10-year date:

Invisible asteroids could strike Earth at any MINUTE: Scientists warn an 'unknown number' of space rocks could be heading for Earth, hidden in the glare of our sun 2-16-23 "It was the biggest asteroid to strike Earth in more than a century, yet no one saw the Chelyabinsk meteor coming. But how come no one detected the 60ft (19 metres)-wide meteor heading straight for us? The answer, experts say, is that it was hidden by the glare of our sun. Worst still, it will not be the only one, as they warn that an 'unknown' number of space rocks could be heading for Earth undetected.."

Everything about this not-believable narrative, ten years now and the hype still increasing - this is called a GIANT PSYOP - and is the subject of the below video [date 11-'20]. Below the video is an excerpt from the original post on the Chelyabinsk event dated 2-16-13:

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/A9sLATk5fw6u/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


Original post 2-16-13: Chelyabinsk Meteorite Hoax? Russian Politician Says Yes - NWO Says Meteorites The New Threat  "Russian nationalist lawmaker Vladimir Zhirinovsky, long known for his flamboyance and outrageous remarks, said Friday that meteorite fragments had not rained down on Russia in the morning, but that the light flashes and tremors in several of the country’s regions resulted from US weapons tests... “Those aren’t meteors falling, it’s the Americans testing new weapons,” Zhirinovsky, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, told journalists several hours after the Emergencies Ministry began issuing statements on the incident, which has injured hundreds and damaged scores of buildings...Outer space has its own laws, Zhirinovsky went on...“Nothing will ever fall out there,” he said. “If [something] falls, it’s people doing that. People are the instigators of wars, the provocateurs.”

So now, with the events of the past few days, as the excerpt from the article linked directly above reveals, what has happened is that a brand new existential threat to the "old-world-order" has been introduced to the world at large. According to the 'new-world-order' scientists quoted in this article, even larger 'meteorites' than that which the world just witnessed..."could drop out of the sky unannounced at any time and wreak havoc on a city"...and there's nothing that could be done about it because, as all the world was just schooled by the Russian strike, these mysterious "space rocks" are "too small to detect". -- Meteorites, meteorites, here come the meteorites. And so there it is. John Q. Public is now being told that there is another 'new normal' to contend with, which is that any city anywhere on the planet could get an 'impact', at any given time, with no warning, bang, city wiped out by a 'meteorite'. On that note, it is amazing to consider how this would, in a instant, prepare an entire geographic region for some ordo-ab-chao type NWO transformation. Just noticing..." [see post]


The pushing of the 'space-rock' narrative is now even more unrelenting than it has ever been. The only conclusion possible is that the next big-event on the fake meteorite-strike agenda is only awaiting the already-scheduled Kabala-Numerology Day - whenever that may be. It really could not be any more obvious..

see all: meteorite psyop
Rev. 18:4


SCOTUS To Meet 2-17-23 Reconsider Hearing 'Stolen Election 2020'; And Fake 'China WWIII Narrative'

[2-21-23 update: "Rehearing Denied"]


SCOTUS to reconsider hearing case alleging Biden, Harris, lawmakers ignored 2020 fraud, broke oaths

The Supreme Court is set to reconsider whether to hear a lawsuit alleging President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former Vice President Mike Pence, 291 House members, and 94 senators violated their oaths of office by refusing to investigate evidence of fraud in the 2020 election before certifying Biden as the victor on Jan. 6, 2021, allowing for Biden and Harris to be "fraudulently" inaugurated.

The plaintiff, Raland J. Brunson, seeks the defendants' removal from office for violating their oaths.

After the Supreme Court declined on Jan. 9 to hear Brunson's lawsuit, he filed a petition for reconsideration on Jan. 23. On Feb. 1, the court scheduled the private conference for reconsidering the petition on Friday [2-17-23], when four of the nine justices must vote to grant the case a hearing for it to move forward.

As a "Presidential rigged election is a threat to the Constitution," he argues, "when members of Congress become aware of such allegations an investigation into these allegations is required or they become violators of their Oath of Office."

Since his complaint alleges a serious national security breach that is an act of war and holds that "it requires an act on an emergency level to repair this breach immediately..

Brunson's prior filing in the federal district court case noted that members of Congress had requested an investigation into the election. On Jan. 2, 2021, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), along with 10 other senators, requested "an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states." A total of 147 Republican lawmakers objected to the certification of the election on Jan. 6.  [2nd source]

Stolen Election 2020 next scene: SCOTUS to meet in "private conference" 2-17-23 to decide on taking it on. Huge development if doing so [4 of 9] turns out to be the next scene in the still-going blockbuster SE2020 script. On that - see:


Flashback 2018: New Federal 'Climate Report' Says Coastal Communities Must Relocate Inland Because Of Fake 'Sea Level Rise' [A21 Geo-Attack End Game]

Follow up on: Why 'Hurricane Matthew' Unprecedented "Storm Surge" Hype? Man-Made Storm Surges For Agenda 21 Goals? 10-7-16 "Real or an MSM virtual storm (existing on the tv-screen only) - that fizzles out at the last moment into a normal seasonal-type storm ...although massive destruction still occurs ...which means that the destruction must be actually geoengineered i.e. man-made [see vid below] ...for example opening dams reservoirs etc. for controlled flooding of targeted areas that sort of thing ... [or] man-made mini-tsunamis - which the MSM fiction-writers have scientifically-termed "storm surges" (even though such a thing is not possible) ... Cui bono? Most interesting thing about all this is that inundated coastlines, it just so happens, are very Agenda 21 helpful..." [coastal living is Agenda 21 prohibited - these areas must be cleared] - see post
Fourth National Climate Assessment Released 11-23-18

- A Massive Push Forward Of The 'Climate-Change' Hoax Agenda 21 Totalitarian Implementation Scheme

Summary Report pdf link
- Fourth National Climate Assessment Volume II - what it is:

What’s New in the Latest U.S. Climate Assessment

[NY Times] WASHINGTON — Global warming is now affecting the United States more than ever, and the risks of future disasters — from flooding along the coasts to crop failures in the Midwest — could pose a profound threat to Americans’ well-being. ...That’s the gist of Volume Two of the latest National Climate Assessment, a 1,656-page report issued on Friday [11-23-18] that explores both the current and future impacts of climate change. The scientific report, which comes out every four years as mandated by Congress, was produced by 13 federal agencies and released by the Trump administration.


- What does it state? -"Climate change" means entire communities must be relocated - i.e. "mass migration" of millions:

read full>>